The Glow analogy is invalid. The Glow is a massive gaping hole in the floor that doesn't have any lockers, warehouses or facilities which happen to contain quest-relevant objects such as metal poles and junk on the premises. It is very obvious from the first glance that it is a hole that would...
I ran through the EPA and overall the premise of it isn't bad, it's just that it's overly huge as in 50% of the space is not used effectively, ending up redundant and taking away from the overall impression of the place. However once you know where to go and who to talk to and take into...
Some encountered bugs at the EPA:
At the EPA on the Chemmie level where the gooed up vents are: Whenever I Use (hand icon) the vents, while the goo is still on them, the game throws and application error and crashes.
So I just go to the EPA for the first time to get my first impressions...
Some funky RP stuff:
Slaver's camp:
*If you go straight to Sulik's sister and pick the second option to wait until you free other slaves, if you change your mind (you'd have to take on all of the slavers) and return to her you can no longer free her right away and return later (if you return to...
Angry Bandits Encounter is empty between Den and Modoc (with car). On entering, nothing happens and there is nobody there. The landscape and scenery is all fine. Since the Angry bandits are persistent and they show up multiple times until resolved; I kept getting these empty encounters over and...
- Primitive tribe- Noticed that when you rescue the surviving tribal in the collapsed cave, when you fix his leg, he walks away and then as he reaches a rock almost at the cave exit/entrance, he decides to do a front split and freeze. (He just freezes at a rock in mid-walk).
+ also, if he is...
Also, when in the Slavers camp I decide to let Kazipupua or whatever Sulik's sisters name is wait for a thorough cleansing of the camp and freeing of the other weaklings, after I have mercilessly obliterated every single one of the Slavers and freed the wangs, the only possible dialogue option...