Thanks for clearing this up.
Perforaitor said:Hi,
currently im playing fallout 2 because New Vegas made me a fan of the fallout series and i wanted to play one of the real old games
Now i installed the mod because i hate imbalanced or unfixed things in games. But somehow i had some problems.
I bought Fallout 1/2 at GoG. But the Fallout 2 installation directory didnt include the .cfg file, the cfg file was hidden somewhere in the appdata where my save games were. So I copied it in the directory, next problem was that the ddraw file was ddraw.dll and not ddraw.ini. So I renamed it and the installation worked(multiple quick screens and no error so i suppose it worked). is it normal that i have to do these things? I hope the ammo patch works now...It works with old saves doesnt it?
I think the huge Fallout 2 Restauration mod doesnt work with old files, 10 h new gaming would be too much for me
New Problem: The patch works but there is some kind of graphic bug, some of the areas have weird colours and it doesnt look very nice...
Okay now im extremly confused. I reinstalled the game after several tries with other mods, now there is no graphic bug but he shows me the new stats from the mod(Dt mod 1-5 etc.) how could that be i thought i reinstalled it?
modified_DR = armor_DR + [10 * min(modified_DT, 0) / 100]
modified_DR = [armor_DR + 10 * min(modified_DT, 0)] / 100
modified_DR = max{[armor_DR + 10 * min(modified_DT, 0)] / 100, 0}
In my tests it works the same way as other weapons (.223 pistol, power fists, etc.) with the same perk: reduce target DT by 80%.(as a side note, atm I am finding that for at least magneto-laser pistol, "weapon penetrate" seems to remove *all* the DT, but no DR reduction, contrary to wikia information. I'll update after testing for other laser weaponry.)
Hello, registered to post this, it seems to me that the formula for modified_DR as posted in the technical details, section 4.1 of the author's original post is incorrect, on two accounts.
You currently have this:
Code:modified_DR = armor_DR + [10 * min(modified_DT, 0) / 100]
1) I believe the brackets are incorrect, the division by 100 should affect the armor_DR portion as well if you look at how the result is being used, so it should actually be:
Code:modified_DR = [armor_DR + 10 * min(modified_DT, 0)] / 100
2 In section 2.2, you mention that "Under no circumstances should DR fall below zero or above 100." This is not represented anywhere in the formulas you have listed. As such, it would appear that when impact of the 10 * min(modified_DT, 0) is negative and exceeds the armor_DR, you keep the negative value around and thus it increases the resulting damage. This goes against what you have in Section 2.2, so I'm assuming you're actually not allowing modified_DR to go below 0. The "above 100" case is not actually possible, so that's not a concern. But the formula should reflect the minimum of 0 as follows:
1. Remove the following files from your Fallout2\DATA\proto\items directory:What are the steps to disable/remove YAAM from Restoration Project without reinstalling?
(It installed with RP)
I double checked your calculations and they are wrong. You never accounted for damage resistance. For this particular case, JHP and AP ammo will both do 9 damage. Which is expected result I think.JHP: 12-4DT=8, *3/2=12 damage
AP: 12-(4DT-4DT Mod)=12, *1=12 damage