Recent content by WorstUsernameEver

  1. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout Anthology announced for PC

    Uhm, yes, there is another reason: their marketers found that's an image that's about as iconic for Fallout as the Pip-boy (which they're already using for the Fallout 4 collector's edition) that works as a package and is relatively cheap to produce.
  2. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout Anthology announced for PC

    Bethesda has announced a collection of all the Fallout games ever released for PC, titled Fallout Anthology. This limited collection will be released on September 29th in North America and October 2nd in Europe, and will come in a package modeled after a Fat Man mini nuke. Both Fallout 3 and...
  3. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout Shelter makes over $5 million

    Please don't link to piracy/warez websites ever again. Thank you. There's an official website for South Park that streams all the episodes, anyway, so you didn't need to do that woo1108.
  4. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout 4 Mods will be available on Xbox One

    While speaking at the Microsoft E3 press conference, where he showed a slightly different and much shorter version of the Fallout 4 demo from Bethesda's E3 conference, Todd Howard announced that Bethesda finally managed to bring mods to consoles, something that the company has been working on...
  5. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Synths honestly look kinda cool. I wish they had more of a retro-futuristic aesthetic but they're not bad at all. EDIT: I also like the new Super Mutant designs a lot more than Fallout 3's, though I feel like going for green will make it more difficult to separate them from the West Coast...
  6. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    What. The Witcher's crafting system doesn't really look like this at all, aside from, you know, also being a crafting system.
  7. WorstUsernameEver

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    New thread:
  8. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    While Bethesda's E3 showcase included plenty of news, including the announcement of a Dishonored sequel (really cool in my book) and a TES card game (much less cool in my book) the crown in their jewel was undoubtedly Fallout 4. Whatever your reaction to the showcase was, Bethesda can't be...
  9. WorstUsernameEver

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Don't really know how to feel about this E3 presentation. Some of the customization looks intriguing, but I'm not thrilled about the idea of losing skills in favor of a completely perk-based progression. The setting still looks more interesting than DC to me and I'm glad they're doing their own...
  10. WorstUsernameEver

    Bethesda E3 Showcase Tonight, Stream Links

    Considering Bethesda's E3 showcase will very likely include a Fallout 4 demo, it's worth pointing out where and when it will be possible to watch it, and thankfully, Bethesda has provided an exhaustive blog post on the subject. Should you happen to be in Hollywood you might be happy to learn...
  11. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    You missed the point by a country mile. My point is that judging the character of a person based on the fact that you were disappointed with the videogame they've produced is kinda dumb.
  12. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    I don't know Hines personally, but I imagine that, if he's indeed an asshole, it has little to do with Bethesda's subpar treatment of the Fallout setting and tone.
  13. WorstUsernameEver

    Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

    Sure. MCA was their poster boy and they'll need to market their own talents more, but it's not like he did everything by himself (a ton of stuff from FNV praised on these forums had nothing to do with him, for example). Why? As far as I know, he wasn't involved in brokering the deal, nor did...
  14. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

    Ask Bethesda. Obsidian's CEO and Chris Avellone have bought said they'd definitely jump at the chance. It's just a question of whether it makes sense for Beth financially and whether they've had a good working relationship with Obsidian and see it worth revisiting (they did apparently hand Prey...