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  • Yeesh. A guy steps out for a few years and you lot let everything get all weird.
    Hi Yamu, well if you would be interested in doing it I would welcome someone else who wants to look into Fallout, Texas, and other related matters.
    Hey Yamu, did you get the last PM I sent you? I never heard from you back on it.
    I am in a bit of jam regarding locations for a Fallout RPG I wanted to start here and I could do with a second opinion or suggestions.
    "Listen, @Weaver, you're welcome to your opinion and you're welcome to discuss it, but swinging by every couple of months to take an acerbic dump and completely ignore most of the polite, salient replies to it does not fall within the described parameters. One strike for trolling. Knock it off."

    "He has a different opinion than me, he must be trolling".
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