Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

try this,added my ini file as these arent uploaded yet,some new settings,will hafta redo ur edits

edit whoops forgota new perk script
The combat regeneration script seems to be missing from latest custom perks archive you posted btw.
Well, I can say that the custom perk are somewhat playable with et_tu. I have downloaded the new perks pack and the older one(2019 version). The new one is not compatible at all and the old one is kind of is. If I extract only the perk related scripts and the customperks.ini the perks are workink. But is I extract the rest of the scripts thaat has a name "HS_" it cause everyone in the game to do 0 damage with any weapon to anyone no matter the armor or the weapon. Rockets to the face do no damage to tribals lol.
Donno Why it took so long,but new mods uploaded,rid of hs_

edit : added a script i missed (custom perks)
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