Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

try this,added my ini file as these arent uploaded yet,some new settings,will hafta redo ur edits

edit whoops forgota new perk script
The combat regeneration script seems to be missing from latest custom perks archive you posted btw.
Well, I can say that the custom perk are somewhat playable with et_tu. I have downloaded the new perks pack and the older one(2019 version). The new one is not compatible at all and the old one is kind of is. If I extract only the perk related scripts and the customperks.ini the perks are workink. But is I extract the rest of the scripts thaat has a name "HS_" it cause everyone in the game to do 0 damage with any weapon to anyone no matter the armor or the weapon. Rockets to the face do no damage to tribals lol.
Donno Why it took so long,but new mods uploaded,rid of hs_

edit : added a script i missed (custom perks)
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Donno Why it took so long,but new mods uploaded,rid of hs_

edit : added a script i missed (custom perks)
Thank you for all of your mods. I've been playing Fallout 2 for like 25 years or so, and playing with the restoration project and your mods is the core experience for me.
Any reason why Rapid Perks isn't working for me? I'm level 3 and it hasn't shown up as an option yet. The custom perks are working, but Rapid Perk isn't available to choose. RapidPerksEnable=1 and RapidPerksAmountOne=1 are set. I'm using Killap's with the newest Sfall. Also, the push/pull/destroy bodies/loot script works. But my favorite perk script, not working. I need my perks every level!
Actually, I'm experiencing a weird, game-breaking bug where every single perk I want to choose at level 3 doesn't "take". I click the perk, hit done, exit out, then go back and it is asking me to choose a perk. Except for Here and Now. Which levels me up to 4. I tested every single perk, the vast majority being from the custom perk pack. This is a huge bummer, going to have to reinstall the game and start over and see if I can figure out where I went wrong.
Actually, I'm experiencing a weird, game-breaking bug where every single perk I want to choose at level 3 doesn't "take". I click the perk, hit done, exit out, then go back and it is asking me to choose a perk. Except for Here and Now. Which levels me up to 4. I tested every single perk, the vast majority being from the custom perk pack. This is a huge bummer, going to have to reinstall the game and start over and see if I can figure out where I went wrong.
probably not installed correctly,did u unzip the rapid perks 7z to ur main fo2 folder?

edit : whoops,i found an error in my zip method,it was adding a folder into fo2 folder with mod files,thus the files we rent being installed,i recomend u reinstall all the mods u want to use,and delete all hs_ scripts in ur data/scripts folder

also if u esc out of charracter screen,it ill refund ur point and not apply the perks,be sure to select perk,then click done to close the char screen
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added a steal all cheat script(steal one item and all are added to inven),can set in ini cheat or not,works perfectly in cheat mode,ive not extensively tested engine steal,if any wanta test it here it


probably not installed correctly,did u unzip the rapid perks 7z to ur main fo2 folder?

edit : whoops,i found an error in my zip method,it was adding a folder into fo2 folder with mod files,thus the files we rent being installed,i recomend u reinstall all the mods u want to use,and delete all hs_ scripts in ur data/scripts folder

also if u esc out of charracter screen,it ill refund ur point and not apply the perks,be sure to select perk,then click done to close the char screen
Yeah, I gotta start over. I deleted those HS scripts, re-installed, and hurrah, I can now choose perks again! Unfortunately, it says I have 101 perks to choose (that's a carry over from the default settings in the RapidPerks.ini it was set to 101 to start for whatever reason, fixed that), but my carry weight is -1 and my hitpoints immediately drop from where they start at 65 or whatever and then go to -1 and then I die. This game is broken for good. I'll start the process over. Funny part is, I've probably installed and run the base game and the restoration project 10-15 times over the years and have NEVER had a save game corruption or had a broken game. Been using your mods since you first started making mods and have never had problems. But something went wrong this time unfortunately.
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Here's a zip of the save if you're curious to see the character blow up.

edit - Though right now my plan is to just start a new game. I don't see any possible way to salvage this.


Is it possible that your mods that affect damage are incompatible with Burn's FO2 tweaks mod that also affects damage?
Yeah, I gotta start over. I deleted those HS scripts, re-installed, and hurrah, I can now choose perks again! Unfortunately, it says I have 101 perks to choose (that's a carry over from the default settings in the RapidPerks.ini it was set to 101 to start for whatever reason, fixed that), but my carry weight is -1 and my hitpoints immediately drop from where they start at 65 or whatever and then go to -1 and then I die. This game is broken for good. I'll start the process over. Funny part is, I've probably installed and run the base game and the restoration project 10-15 times over the years and have NEVER had a save game corruption or had a broken game. Been using your mods since you first started making mods and have never had problems. But something went wrong this time unfortunately.
thought about it,customperks.ini in fo2 folder sets maximum hp and carry wieght of toon,if the file isnt read the get_ini_file functions returns -1,make sure and add the new ini file and over write old one(itmust be located /fo2 main folder),ull have to re do ur edits

and most likely,burns addon is incompatable

edit : so yea,it is an install problem,is why tried lmk