I'm tired man.


First time out of the vault
I hate to have my very first post here be negative but I really wanna air out some grievances in a place that'll hopefully be welcoming if not neutral to it.

I'm so tired of how Bethesda and their fans treat the core of this fanbase.

Years and years of constant lying and toxic behaviour dressed up as just an innocent little fanbase trying to enjoy their games. Meanwhile you'll get thrown through the gates of Oblivion if you even give a peep of criticism to Bethesda.

They lie about the series history, going as far to say Fallout was never good until Bethesda bought it. They lie about aspects of the games, blatantly taking aspects of both Bethesda's and Black Isle's games out of greater context to try to make Bethesda look better, such as taking the small humorous aspects of the classics and attempting to use them as a silver bullet against the idea Fallout used to have a serious tone. They lie about the developers and their intentions, I've seen people say New Vegas was entirely Bethesda's idea, and that without their gracious hand, nothing like it ever would've been made.

But if you dare try to refute any of this, you're immediately labeled a "toxic new vegas fan." I've had people lie and use logical fallacies to my face, and then turn around and accuse me of lying or using fallacies.

I'm tired of hearing "nobody hates Fallout more than Fallout fans." because criticism is not hatred. It's ridiculous that you're not allowed to ask that a multi-billion dollar corporation selling full priced games actually improve upon their craft. People treat Bethesda like their this small scrappy indie studio and all the toxic haters are just bullying them.

They call criticism of Bethesda's games "bandwagoning" as if it's not infinitely more popular to praise them than criticise them, not to mention the benefits Bethesda hands creators who play ball. But the small group of passionate people who have been here since the very beginning are the ones bandwagoning.

All I want from this series is for it to return to form, with a dark tone, consistent writing, and ORIGINAL concepts. But apparently that's asking Bethesda, and their fans, way too much.
yeah this is something i notice in fallout fans especially in reddit they lie and talk shit and misinformation even about a dead man (yes that happened)
they lie about nma saying we hate new vegas (we don't)
they say beth saved fallout like they were the only hero fallout needed (tim cain wanted to buy ip so no)
they also claim chris avellone lawsuit was real and he is fraud just read this
Incel simping sexual harassing chris avellone who is still bitter about obsidian's repeated successful writing after he left


Chad supporting josh sawyer who continues helping his team make amazing games & said trans rights
The allegations were that Chris Avellone was a creep who sexually harassed two women. Note that I’m using the word “harass” not assault — it was never suggested that Avellone was abusive, just that he made gross comments and was a little pushy with a woman at a convention. This was picked up and spun as “Chris Avellone sexually assaults women”. Avellone sued the two women and they retracted their statements. This doesn’t exculpate Avellone: taking these women, who have far less time and money to fight a lawsuit, is a helluva lot easier for Avellone to win than taking Kotaku or any of his former employers to court. The women also did not say they made up the stories, just that how the stories were being by the media was not how they felt it should be interpreted.
anyway welcome to nma
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yeah this is something i notice in fallout fans especially in reddit they lie and talk shit and misinformation even about a dead man (yes that happened)
they lie about nma saying we hate new vegas (we don't)
they say beth saved fallout like they were the only hero fallout needed (tim cain wanted to buy the series so no)
they also claim chris avellone lawsuit was real and he is fraud and call him stupid while sucking read this

anyway welcome to nma
I've seen so much blatant slander for this forum and I've never found evidence substantiating any of the claims people make about it. They make it sound like a fucking war zone lmfao
I've seen so much blatant slander for this forum and I've never found evidence substantiating any of the claims people make about it. They make it sound like a fucking war zone lmfao
because most of them have never visited this site and they take any criticism of their favorite game as a personal attack they claim that every fallout game is good on its way for different reasons these arguments are really short coming if the negatives overwhelm the positives like 3 immersive mean nothing when the story side quest main quest and gameplay (including lacking rpg mechanics) are bad or the game separate from franchise identity by removing rpg mechanics etc like 4 but this for another topic
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I hate to have my very first post here be negative but I really wanna air out some grievances in a place that'll hopefully be welcoming if not neutral to it.

I'm so tired of how Bethesda and their fans treat the core of this fanbase.

Years and years of constant lying and toxic behaviour dressed up as just an innocent little fanbase trying to enjoy their games. Meanwhile you'll get thrown through the gates of Oblivion if you even give a peep of criticism to Bethesda.

They lie about the series history, going as far to say Fallout was never good until Bethesda bought it. They lie about aspects of the games, blatantly taking aspects of both Bethesda's and Black Isle's games out of greater context to try to make Bethesda look better, such as taking the small humorous aspects of the classics and attempting to use them as a silver bullet against the idea Fallout used to have a serious tone. They lie about the developers and their intentions, I've seen people say New Vegas was entirely Bethesda's idea, and that without their gracious hand, nothing like it ever would've been made.

But if you dare try to refute any of this, you're immediately labeled a "toxic new vegas fan." I've had people lie and use logical fallacies to my face, and then turn around and accuse me of lying or using fallacies.

I'm tired of hearing "nobody hates Fallout more than Fallout fans." because criticism is not hatred. It's ridiculous that you're not allowed to ask that a multi-billion dollar corporation selling full priced games actually improve upon their craft. People treat Bethesda like their this small scrappy indie studio and all the toxic haters are just bullying them.

They call criticism of Bethesda's games "bandwagoning" as if it's not infinitely more popular to praise them than criticise them, not to mention the benefits Bethesda hands creators who play ball. But the small group of passionate people who have been here since the very beginning are the ones bandwagoning.

All I want from this series is for it to return to form, with a dark tone, consistent writing, and ORIGINAL concepts. But apparently that's asking Bethesda, and their fans, way too much.
I'm TheKingofVault14, I approve the message of this post!

:clap: :ok:

Also, in regards to how certain people, "certain fans" treat the Fallout series the way it is today.
Is summed up perfectly in this short video:

The Flanderization of Fallout!

:facepalm: :roll: :x :?
What you should do is play more Fallout.

There are many new Fallout games that have come out in the last 10 years, most of which weren’t made by Bethesda. If people in the community spent more time playing and discussing those games and not letting Bethesda or the fans of the modern games take up space in their head then the fandom would overall be better.

Go play Nevada, Sonora, 1.5, The Sum, the Megamod, Last Hope, etc.

Bethesda and co. can continue to be malicious and gaslight, but that only matters if you let it affect you. I don’t bother engaging with those parts of the fandom and you shouldn’t either, it’ll only piss you off.
They call criticism of Bethesda's games "bandwagoning" as if it's not infinitely more popular to praise them than criticise them
To be fair, there's been a clear shift when it comes to evaluating their games. Sure, some normies will still say that Skyrim is a "masterpiece", but between Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and Starfield, Bethesda is not exactly the most well liked company right now. It's not exactly uncommon for people to say they are very afraid for Elder Scrolls 6.

Honestly, it feels pretty nice that they are finally getting the reputation they deserve.
The original Fallout has a very different gameplay loop than Fallout 3 and later, so I can somewhat understand the sentiment that it wasn't good until Fallout 3. They have different but somewhat overlapping target audiences. I like the original style, but consider the first-person perspective a mistake.

The one argument that upsets me is that the first games were unpopular when the truth is that the original Fallout was a massive success for its time. People still love it, but I expect most original fans have moved on with their lives, as it has been over 25 years.
The original Fallout has a very different gameplay loop than Fallout 3 and later, so I can somewhat understand the sentiment that it wasn't good until Fallout 3. They have different but somewhat overlapping target audiences. I like the original style, but consider the first-person perspective a mistake.

The one argument that upsets me is that the first games were unpopular when the truth is that the original Fallout was a massive success for its time. People still love it, but I expect most original fans have moved on with their lives, as it has been over 25 years.
There's a difference between a style preference and the insistence that the original games were terrible and in some extreme cases people will even say they were widely hated.
it was a huge success to a new ip in 90s but beth fans love to claim that it wasn't popular in its time and games like baldur's gates were more successful and famous games because they sold more
Bethesda wouldn't have picked Fallout if it didn't had at least a little bit of popularity and success.
"bu-but god howard saved fallout because he loves the ip!"
They lie about aspects of the games, blatantly taking aspects of both Bethesda's and Black Isle's games out of greater context to try to make Bethesda look better, such as taking the small humorous aspects of the classics and attempting to use them as a silver bullet against the idea Fallout used to have a serious tone
The favorite one I've seen recently is "Well they changed the location of Shady Sands in Fallout 2" - Apparently referencing the fact that there's less distance between NCR and Vaults 13/15, it's on slightly different terrain, and if you try to overlay the maps of the two games the locations aren't aligned. As if that's at all comparable to moving it right next to LA, something which would change the entire plot of Fallout 1 and 2 retroactively.

Bethesda Fans always had a habit of reading things in a deliberately obtuse way, blatantly misreading because they were under the impression that if they all believed hard enough it would be true - But the show has meant they have had to go into overdrive.
The favorite one I've seen recently is "Well they changed the location of Shady Sands in Fallout 2" - Apparently referencing the fact that there's less distance between NCR and Vaults 13/15, it's on slightly different terrain, and if you try to overlay the maps of the two games the locations aren't aligned. As if that's at all comparable to moving it right next to LA, something which would change the entire plot of Fallout 1 and 2 retroactively.

Bethesda Fans always had a habit of reading things in a deliberately obtuse way, blatantly misreading because they were under the impression that if they all believed hard enough it would be true - But the show has meant they have had to go into overdrive.
I mean we literally had to hear these people argue repeatedly that fall doesn't mean fall to try to cope about Shady Sands being destroyed before New Vegas takes place.
The favorite one I've seen recently is "Well they changed the location of Shady Sands in Fallout 2" - Apparently referencing the fact that there's less distance between NCR and Vaults 13/15, it's on slightly different terrain, and if you try to overlay the maps of the two games the locations aren't aligned
What’s really funny is that, as far as I know, no one has ever noticed or pointed out this slight discrepancy before. But now all of a sudden these Bethesda fans are experts on which exact tile the NCR was located on.