First time out of the vault

I hate to have my very first post here be negative but I really wanna air out some grievances in a place that'll hopefully be welcoming if not neutral to it.
I'm so tired of how Bethesda and their fans treat the core of this fanbase.
Years and years of constant lying and toxic behaviour dressed up as just an innocent little fanbase trying to enjoy their games. Meanwhile you'll get thrown through the gates of Oblivion if you even give a peep of criticism to Bethesda.
They lie about the series history, going as far to say Fallout was never good until Bethesda bought it. They lie about aspects of the games, blatantly taking aspects of both Bethesda's and Black Isle's games out of greater context to try to make Bethesda look better, such as taking the small humorous aspects of the classics and attempting to use them as a silver bullet against the idea Fallout used to have a serious tone. They lie about the developers and their intentions, I've seen people say New Vegas was entirely Bethesda's idea, and that without their gracious hand, nothing like it ever would've been made.
But if you dare try to refute any of this, you're immediately labeled a "toxic new vegas fan." I've had people lie and use logical fallacies to my face, and then turn around and accuse me of lying or using fallacies.
I'm tired of hearing "nobody hates Fallout more than Fallout fans." because criticism is not hatred. It's ridiculous that you're not allowed to ask that a multi-billion dollar corporation selling full priced games actually improve upon their craft. People treat Bethesda like their this small scrappy indie studio and all the toxic haters are just bullying them.
They call criticism of Bethesda's games "bandwagoning" as if it's not infinitely more popular to praise them than criticise them, not to mention the benefits Bethesda hands creators who play ball. But the small group of passionate people who have been here since the very beginning are the ones bandwagoning.
All I want from this series is for it to return to form, with a dark tone, consistent writing, and ORIGINAL concepts. But apparently that's asking Bethesda, and their fans, way too much.
I'm so tired of how Bethesda and their fans treat the core of this fanbase.
Years and years of constant lying and toxic behaviour dressed up as just an innocent little fanbase trying to enjoy their games. Meanwhile you'll get thrown through the gates of Oblivion if you even give a peep of criticism to Bethesda.
They lie about the series history, going as far to say Fallout was never good until Bethesda bought it. They lie about aspects of the games, blatantly taking aspects of both Bethesda's and Black Isle's games out of greater context to try to make Bethesda look better, such as taking the small humorous aspects of the classics and attempting to use them as a silver bullet against the idea Fallout used to have a serious tone. They lie about the developers and their intentions, I've seen people say New Vegas was entirely Bethesda's idea, and that without their gracious hand, nothing like it ever would've been made.
But if you dare try to refute any of this, you're immediately labeled a "toxic new vegas fan." I've had people lie and use logical fallacies to my face, and then turn around and accuse me of lying or using fallacies.
I'm tired of hearing "nobody hates Fallout more than Fallout fans." because criticism is not hatred. It's ridiculous that you're not allowed to ask that a multi-billion dollar corporation selling full priced games actually improve upon their craft. People treat Bethesda like their this small scrappy indie studio and all the toxic haters are just bullying them.
They call criticism of Bethesda's games "bandwagoning" as if it's not infinitely more popular to praise them than criticise them, not to mention the benefits Bethesda hands creators who play ball. But the small group of passionate people who have been here since the very beginning are the ones bandwagoning.
All I want from this series is for it to return to form, with a dark tone, consistent writing, and ORIGINAL concepts. But apparently that's asking Bethesda, and their fans, way too much.