Funny thing is I criticized the narrative direction of the shorts and you responded with emotional agression, seems like some major projection is going on here.
Yes. Even though I don't even like bethesda that much, and even though my comments are reasoned and articulate, I'm a "pissy fanboy" whose "just gonna cry." Great job proving my point.
As long as you don't go demanding people stop hating bethesda in random conversations and your only contribution to the forum isn't just complaining about "Teh echo chamber" (like seriously dude, we have heard that 1000 times before) you are welcomed to participate in the forum.
All I said is they are retards with no sense of purpose for the series. I don't have to curb Bethesda hate. I am apathetic to them. You are the one being a bit of a kiss ass defending a corporation that just wants money. You left for a week and came back and said "Did anyone miss me?" so I assume you are a kid.
They are now whoring the franchise out to multiplayer mindless kidsters like yourself so of course you are all "Don't be mean to the helpless millionaires." SMH.
I am one of the few people on this site that even contributes while kids like you whine all the time and debate pointless threads like IS FALLOUT 3 A GOOD GAME or IS FALLOUT 2 BETTER THAN FALLOUT 4?