No Mutants Allowed

Deleted member 116369
Iirc, it is a tacked on tutorial made in a short time because the publishers wanted a tutorial.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
I’d assume it wasn’t in their “artistic vision” to kill off any intelligence, charisma, or luck mains
Nostalgia? I don't think there is anyone from old Fallout 2 players, to new ones that think the Temple of Trials is good or even necessary. xD
It have more things going on than the rat cave of Fallout 1 for sure, and it's quite functional as a tutorial.
Cliffy McEdgeface
Cliffy McEdgeface
I mean, you're not wrong but at the same time the ToT is mercifully brief if you know what you're doing, and if you DON'T know what you're doing... that's what the ToT is there for
Still a million times better than the shiity tutorials of Fallout 3 and 4. And the Temple of Trials was tacked on and it's mercifully short too.

A tacked on tutorial ordered by the higher ups is still better than one that was thought through and intentionally put in the game.
Welcome to two decades ago, everybody has criticized the Cave of trials since release, even the devs themselves.
Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy Stardust
I dont care if its been said a thousand times. I just started a new save and It’s pissing me off because my strength is one