Pink Floyd is some good shit. I’d have to say NOFX is my favorite, though my music taste is really eclectic so it changes by the day. Maybe Reel Big Fish. Or The Eagles. Or... hmm.
Halestorm, The Pretty Reckless, and The Offspring are also high on my favorites list. And Anti Flag. And Tool. UGH I CANT CHOOSE people who say there’s no good music anymore are so far up their own ass. Then again I like all music except trap so I’m biased
one time i went to a shinedown concert with this guy... anyways the opening act of Halestorm was my favorite part of the night. people who say there's no good music aren't looking for it. you won't hear Sabaton playing on the radio...
I Miss the Misery is freaking awesome! Actually, my favorite bands are a close tie between Within Temptation and Evanescence. Both Amy Lee and Sharon den Adel have beautiful voices. I also really love Disturbed, Godmack, A7X, Breaking Benjamin and Rob Zombie. I was at Louder Than Life in 2017 and just RZ alone made it worth going to.
Also funny you mention A7X; I’m listening to A Little Piece of Heaven as we speak lol. Also, I was gonna go see them live around October but the whole M. Shadows throat thing happened. I’ll hit you up the next time I have an extra ticket
It was an awesome concert! The crowd wasn't as riled up as he wanted them to be so he asked everyone if they were fucking high, then shouted, "Good! So am I!" Ozzy was also there and told everyone, "Fuck you all, I'm tired." after they wanted him to play another song.