No Mutants Allowed

Dishonored on the other hand is an example of good cosmic horror getting turned into "Space Octopus goes brrr" to the point where the DLC for the second game was about killing the Outsider in the most ill conceived plot thread ever after a sequel that is mostly a rethread of the first game.
THe only thing Bloodborne does wrong in the genre is letting you kill one of the elder gods at the end (and Ebrietas).
Black Angel
Black Angel
While convoluted, the whole setting of Bloodborne from after the opening cutscene was a 'dream', where it's possible for man to hunt and slay the 'Nightmare'/Great Ones. In case of Ebrietas, you only killed an incarnation of her who interacted with the Church. You'll still encounter her in the Chalice Dungeon.
Black Angel
Black Angel
As for Moon Presence, you need to consume some mcguffin for your Hunter to 'transcend', and make it possible for you to actually confront and kill the MP. But it makes you not human anymore, just as Willem said, "Born of the blood, made man by the blood, undone by the blood. Fear the Old Blood."