Not like a mosquito, who rumages around a bit, no - just *land+CHOMP!* I spaz-freaked, slapped it the fuck away, and now my arm is all itchy and the bite-mark is growing and swelling. Ugh...
On a positive note, I spotted a crossed viper! That's the 2nd time ever I see a snake in Norway. Our vipers are adorable though. The climate forbids them from wasting energy, so they practically never bite - and if - they inject only a little. It hissed, and hid away in the berry-bushes.
NO FROGS still, WHERE ARE ALL THE FROGS!? Every time I take a forest-walk, I wanna see a frog! WHERE ARE THEY!? My sister was all, "you have to look in ponds and - " OH REALLY!? I WAS SEARCHING THE FUCKING TREES OF COURSE I SEARCHED THE PONDS AND CREEKS AND LAKES! WHERE ARE THE FROGS!?=y