*Insert picture saying a show that was highly progressive in the 60's isn't as nearly progressive by today's standards*
We must rectify the Trekverse and add more transgendered crippled people.
The new Star Wars movies are less diverse and even miles and miles less progressive than even the original Star Trek and they get called SJW propaganda.
Ok. that is star wars. we're talking about star trek. I haven't seen any of the new SW movies outside of Force Awakens which was Mary Sue garbage. If somebody can't articulate how bad they are beyond calling them SJW propaganda, that is their problem. but also consider the studio themselves even said they will focus more on diversity than story.
I mean.... Star Trek: Future with both race and gender equality, post scarcity, quasi socialist society, TNG has a main character who is a man of letters who prefers diplomacy and is played by a notorious leftie. Anti colonialism is a central theme of many stories, Just sayin'.... I have seen less overtly leftie stuff get called SJW propaganda.
Then how about you stop going on 4chan then. Yeah people have been calling it space communism as a joke for years. Trek's problem is that its being written by people who hate it and want to just push their own allegories to Trump. from what I've heard about Picard, Trek is a total shit show now. I think you've just had too much internet and it is messing with your brain.
Yeah it's kinda dumb that the JJ Abrahams generation of writers are trying so hard to be woke while making the most emblematic settings as vehicles to explore progressive ideas in Sci fi into an allegory for Trump. Complete joke tbh. JJ Abrahams and Kurstman or whoever it's written are hacks.
Also, 4chan? No clue, I only recently got into Star Trek because of Red Letter media's recent discussion on their favorite TNG episodes coinciding with Netflix Lat Am adding every single Star Trek series, so I am completely out of touch with the Memosphere of Star Trek.
Not going on 4chan is a good idea for any person that spends a lot of time online. You can't build any sort of relationship with someone on a platform like that, so the dialog ends up being who can talk shit the best.
Also Picard and Discovery are awful and not in the same continuity as the original series due to time/space dumb fuckery in the reboot Abramverse.
The problem with new trek is not its politics but how it goes about using it in its stories. They wanted to do a "muh refugees" story and instead of doing it with aliens like old trek would do they instead had Fucking starfleet decide to let billions die because suddenly Starfleet is racist now. Fucking awesome. Thanks for that. Also it's super cringe to see smoking in star trek.
The politics are clearly part of the problem since Lefty Clown World Kurtzman is in charge. They think it is progressive to suddenly make Seven of Nine want to fuck another chick out of nowhere even though they hardly shared any lines together.
Instead they should have actually earned that relationship.
Nu-Trek is kinda like DC. It's thinks being pointlessly dark, gritty, and edgy equals good story writing. Only they forgot to add any substance. Also the fact that ST isn't supposed to be dark in the first place.
We must rectify the Trekverse and add more transgendered crippled people.