Must be a ESL thing or a retard thing. what are the problems are you having here? need me to add some to the posts? maybe you think the people who trolled wallstreet are nazis because CNN said so. strange times indeed.
Why so defensive GM? I was literally just saying the entire thing is hilarious lmao. Calm down man, don't get so worked up. Have a nice cup of Joe or something.
I don't even know why you are so upset about this lmao. Did someone call you a nazi when discussing this somewhere else and you got yoru cables mixed up or something?
There there, man, calm down. Nobody is calling anyone a nazi here. Right now you are in a safe space. THis post is just about making fun of the Stock trading apps panicking and preventing people from using them and this being hilarious.
I am just trying to understand why you got so angry out of nowhere about this lol I mean you even did the whole "Because CNN told you so" at a person that you should know doesn't even get american CNN or any american news network.
so lets get this straight you say I'm angry because "CNN calling people who bought those stocks to troll the hedgefund, nazis" is hilarious? Ok, are you drunk? what about this has you so confused?
Did you suffer some recent head trauma recently? I know NMA is full of schizos so are you having some kind of hallucinatory argument with a imaginary GM? Hell you could even be doing a elaborate I'm only pretending to be retarded trolling. the possibilities are endless.
Oh, so you haven't been keeping up with the news then. got it, you could have just said that instead of doing....all this. Also they changed it to Trumpism now, whatever the hell that means.
I don't even know what places you are getting the feedback on this at all for you to feel so sensitive about the story. I follow a bunc hof lefties and even centrists and all of them are mainly focusing on the fact that the stonks guys just threw all pretense to the wind and just blocked people from trading stonks in a panic. Not even the literal commies I follow have even said anything about Trumpism.
Laughing at things doesn't make you sensitive to them. I find the blatant media manipulation of these events to be hilarious, if that some how makes you upset, which it has appeared to do I cannot explain.
You read them to laugh at the stupid shit they say. mostly through a archive so they don't get the clicks but I'm to lazy to make one and it's a CNN article so it doesn't really matter that much.