No Mutants Allowed

Wish more quests tooke me out there. I really enjoyed the little quest with River, the picnic in the trailer park was a good combination of cozy and bleak. Those areas give me a lot of Fallouty vibes. THe City meanwhile is just white noise to me, nothign really grabs me about it, the mini map being so bad doesn't help matters.
Panam's quest is kinda boring narrative wise, but it's very involved and multi part so I cna't call it a bad quest. I just found the story and Panam herself kind of uninteresting. Altho it's funny that the straight romance option for guys involves you canonically feeling your own dick penetrating you.
I have max Street Cred so I guess now I only have the Main quest to do untill I unlock Kerry.
I still can't bring myself to give a shit about the plot. I don't even get why I am paling around with Takemura other than he saved me, the Peralez' quest seemed more relevant to the Keanu Brain cancer than talking to these japanese businessmen about their generic mcguffin that they don't even seem to give a fuck about.