but yeah it is mostly filled with absolutely dumb shit, but sometimes you get the exact kind of "what oil do they use to clean the enterprise's engines" neurotic detail i crave
Like 2 dudes are literaly, with all conviction, arguing that in Fallout 2 with a speech and Int check you can prove Myron didn't invent Jet. Like straight up lying... In any other franchise a continuty error like that is just acknowleged as one.
Like guys, other fandoms directly acknowledge retcons with name, nobody not even Marvel or DC fans, not even the Jojo fans that pretend that Araki never forgets would actually falsely claim that their head canon rewrite of old material is the truth with no sign of self awareness. Creepy stuff. I am gonna silence that subreddit, it is really making my nose bleed.
@Walpknut The wiki page for Myron literally states that he "Actually didn't make jet, but rather made Jet quicker and cheaper to produce" with NO CITATIONS because it's literally not supported by ANYTHING in game.
Fallout in general has a REALLY bad problem with fanfiction making it into canon wikis. "The Brotherhood blew up Redding" flew around for a long ass time
I farted in my dogs face and he got scared and hid under a table.
No joke. Just got banned from Falloutlore for telling the guy he can just admit Bethesda fucked up on a terminal. LMAO Holy shit. That place is a looney bin.
@Atomic Postman I actually have a hard time figuring out which parts of the Brotherhood-NCR page are canon and which parts are nonsense, because they list a whole bunch of causes which are never directly stated in New Vegas, and their main citation is an interview with JESawyer that is now deleted.
I believe they've got a rule which is basically you have to try and answer EVERYTHING in-universe or you get banned, which is a retarded rule when you get so many questions asking stuff that only has meta level answers
Bethestards trying to justify Bethesda's raping of the lore is far too funny. Specially when Bethesda doesn't give a shit about internal consistency and established rules.