I saw one clip of invincible where the superman-clone just murders all of the justice league clones. Instantly reminded me of The boys. Is it worth reading? All I see anywhere i go is nothing but nonstop praise.
The cartooon is garbage, no idea about the comicbook but the fans of it say the cartoon is very faithful so it probably is also bad.
Actually the comic is very good as far as superhero crap comes. The cartoon seems to be doing a decent job of bringing it to the screen but they gave away a big reveal sooner on the show so the story flow is different. Anti SJW types have whined about white characters being black and some perceived cucking of the main character, but I doubt they read the comic. In the comic he gets raped.
I mean, I just feel like all the teenage drama shit is too dragged on, specially for how vanilla it all is. Main Character gets bullied by a Flash THompson rip off despite looking like a preppy hunk even before the powers, the dialogue is very cringy in those sequences too and the characterization is razor thin on everyone that isn't Mustached superman.
He seems like an interesting bad guy but the rest of the cast is just insufferable. like that episode in the college, what was even the point? This all seems like lesser versions of stuff have seen on other shows like Spectacular Spiderman and Young Justice.
The Villains even seem to mostly be a joke but the rest of the story doesn't have the satirical edge that these clownish villains would justify so it all just feels like a ero with a lame costume, lame sidekicks and even lamer villains while something itneresting might happen with his dad.
but it's 7 episodes in and it isn't justifying the 40 min runtime per episode.
I just find it interesting that you give free passes to anime storylines that drag on for years but this one actually has a definite beginning middle and end which is something I highly value. I do agree some of the shows dialog and voice acting are not up to snuff.
Glen being the voice actor for Invincible is one of the cons since the dude can't voice act. The obligatory music sequence every episode is annoying. This is made for teens.
The comic is better so I would read it before judging the source material enough to compare it to MHA faggotry. Teenage drama is not going to be a factor very long. I can't spoil the plot to tell you this is not a generic spiderman show.
What anime storylines do I give a pass? I specifically avoid anime that have too many episodes, like for example I have avoided One Piece for the longest time and I have similar issues with it being too long for no reason.
Any of them. Most of them are essentially shit these days but somehow you guys keep buying the crap enough to where you know when the sales are going on. MHA looks like it was made for little kids while Invincible just had a dad beat the shit out of his son and tell him his mom is like a pet to him.