Nah, newer JRPGs have steered away from that, Yakuza 7 is pretty brisky, the Trails games even have a turbo button to make it go even faster and requires virtually zero grinding. DQXI just seems to be too old school for it's own good, and the 2D mode is even worse at that so I don't think I am even gonna bother with that content. Even the UI is sluggish in that mode.
Nonsense. Newer JRPG's like Persona 5 and Ni No Kuni and any Dragon Quest pretty much make you walk through long hallways fighting bad guys for most of the game. I spent 4 hours playing Persona 5 the other night and I barely left the dungeon. When I did it was to visit a store and go back into the dungeon. Should I even bring up SMT?
Like, in 2D mode, if you use a multi target move it tells you in text one by one the famage received by each monster, and if you kill them it plays their death animation also one by one. I don't think even Pokemon Gen 1 was that goddamn sluggish.
The SMT series is pretty sluggish in general, which is why I am not sure about buying the Nocturne remaster, beating that game once was enough for me, Persona is more sluggish than regular SMT because it's too narrative focused. Persona 4 is the speediest Persona game to put that in perspective, Persona 3 is almost unbereably slow.
Sounds like something they could patch out at least.
I need the remaster because I never played the OG.
DQXI time wasting shenanigans are too blatant tho, you teleport to a town, in Pokemon for example you would be left in front of the Pokemon Center, the most important building, in DQXI they leave you at the very entrance of the town, and the towns are all HUGE hallways that look pretty when first getting there but when you have to walk down them is annoying as fuck.
I never played the older DQ games, I got into the series with the 8th one, then I played the Monster Joker games, 9 and 11. After trying 2D mode in DQXI I am not sure I would be able to handle them these days. Hell I am not sure I will even be able to handle a new regular style Persona game when it comes out (in 2041).
I played P2 until after I already played P3 and P4. I wouldn't mind a new Persona game going back to that style. The Trails games have also made me appreciate more the idea of a less, let's say "open" Jrpg. Those games operate more like chapters in a story with continuosly changing location each time, the game is more linear in progression but doesn't bog itself down with needless open world fluff.