No Mutants Allowed

Atomic Postman
Atomic Postman
I had to go through with the same with my dog of 12 years last year. I'm sorry for your loss.
Atomic Postman
Atomic Postman
Ultimately it's for the best though. When a dog can't be a dog or a cat can't be a cat anymore, leaving them suffering is only for you and not for them.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Lapke was not able to be a cat for quite some time now. It all started last year, soon after I had to have the other put down.
She had developed problems with her thyroid, and as a result was increasingly hungry.
Unfortunate she had a bad reaction to the meds I gave her.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
At least I kept my word when I said that when it comes to the well being of my cats, I would put it over my own desires and greed.
And I have proven that in the last twelve months with the visits to the vet and the amount of special food that I got for them to make them eat again.
Hardboiled Android
Hardboiled Android
You did the right thing, doesn't make it easy
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I know I put an end to pain, she would not have made it to the next week.
In that regard there was never any decision other than; continue to make her suffer and die slowly, or give her a peaceful death. There was no third option.
But it's moments like these that make me wonder; is there anything more? Will she be waiting for me?