No Mutants Allowed

The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Is it likely that Nintendo will announce the next console so soon after the Switch Oled was released in October?
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Reason why I am hesitant is because Dread is the only game I actually want to play on it at the moment.
I would like Prime 4 and Trilogy also to appear on it.
But if they will be delayed for the next machine.
You are safe for two years at least. Even when they release the new one I would not buy it until it is about to go out of date since they hardly have games worth playing anyway aside from the ones everyone knows about.
It would not be a waste because who cares if you play Metroid Dread on a slightly better system? The Switch 2 will be still weak as hell with some stupid gimmick fucking everything up like usual. Like their shitty N64 shop.
Long story short I am waiting on a real sale for the Switch because it is still over priced. Don't buy it for one game because you could just emulate Metroid Fusion or something instead.
Btw if you do decide to take the plunge buy the cheapest version. I seriously doubt you will get 300 dollars worth from the system.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
It is very tempting to get the Oled, it has the nicest screen for portable use.
But my local game store also had a 2019 version that someone returned which is about 130 euros cheaper. It's 240 (don't know if they still have it)
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Buying one for just one game at the moment feels like a waste of money.
Kind of a repeat of when I bought a 3DSxl. I really had to justify that purchase later by getting some more games.
Man I don't know your budget but shit like that is very minor and mainly for rich people that have to have the newest version of whatever tech even though it still runs like a 360 or something.

Yep. Either get five games on your list or don't do it.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Yeah, the choice would be easier if those other Metroid games I mentioned were also on it.
Guess I will need to think of what other games I would like to get to justify the purchase.
I was already making a list of pros and cons yesterday.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I had five pro points, but sixteen cons points on that list.

I am not even sure if Metroid Dread is that good. Some of fans seem to be conflicted about it.
Breath of the Wild is a must play as well along with whatever new Zelda they are making and maybe SMTV and Mario Odyssey. Metroid Dread is worth playing but not by itself. Find more games to pad the list out for sure if you are uncertain if you will even like it. Also try Blasphemous maybe on PC.
I hear that dread works on an emulator.