Are these like coloring books, or something? I just finished my warm-up novel, the one that sets the stage, introduces characters, and establishes a climactic event, and ended at 270 000 words - and I only just begun :I
I thought it was a little... on the short side, so I did a google, to see what is generally expected: 50 000 words for a novel, 100 000 for something truly epic. That just feels super-hurried, wth :I
and don't get me wrong, there's no rambly shit or anything, I got some inter-twining protagonists, a build up of tension across a winter, with a dramatic climax within the final 4 chapters. If I may say so myself, the story moves efficiently!
Several pages "warn" about not overshooting 100 000 words, cus publishers apparently don't like it. Keep it short, coloring-book style. I guess I'm destined to self-publish somehow or other :I