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Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
Hmmm. I don't know. A "super" heavy tank usually has well a very high weight (more than 100 tons) and carries usually a very large anti tank gun. Something in the range of 150mm.
I would rather say, put some super advanced AI in todays tank that might debate the philosophical implications of harming another being and you have Cyberpunk!
@Crni Vuk If it's a matter of larger gun like that, then i heard MGCS Tank will pop out in 2035 is planned to have that variant. However i was thinking of Active Protection System that is basically 360 degree in sphere (or at least half of sphere).
Also AIs in military vehicle that thinking pacifistic notion and use very effective non-lethal mass weapon is not dissimiliar to Culture Mind from that Iain Banks book.
Furthermore, i believe instead of simply larger caliber guns, future tanks like that would just simply use ETC (Electrothermal-Chemical) fuse to ignite the propellant into plasma (from what i've heard). Thus achieving far more kinetic energy that what used to be possible even with larger gun.
Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
I don't know anything about such fancy stuff. But when it comes to tank development we definetly will see some changes in the future. They might even get back to wheeled designs or come up with something modular that's a lot more flexible in it's use depending on the situation and conflict in question.
Tank design in a nutshell is always about trade offs. And how to work around design limitations.
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Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
There have been ideas in the 1990s with various designs and 150mm anti tank guns against newest modern armour and protection systems. We might actually see those one day even. I doubt we will get any super fancy electrical/chemical thing any time soon. But who knows? I am no expert here! But it doesn't really qualify as super heavy tanks in my book. Mobility is still a key factor in armoured warefare.
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Crni Vuk
Crni Vuk
A small step for mankind ... a giant leap for S.K.Y.N.E.T.
@Crni Vuk Hopefully we already improved our Electronic Warfare capability as alternative to EMP.