No Mutants Allowed

The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
After several years we go Tales from Monkey Island which was definitely better than EFMO, though it could be rather flawed on its own.
I think the world started to get more ridiculous in it. Not a relative realistic world but with some anachronisms, voodoo magic, and ghost pirates.
At this point Monkey Island only existed in the title any more.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Now I should be excited for a new MI, an MI3 as imagined by one of the original creators.
But when I saw the graphics I already had my doubts.
And now I have heard that this title really banks on nostalgia references.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I recently saw Ghostbusters Afterlife which many consider a great sequel and a loving tribute to Harold Ramis.
I myself found it rather a slow burn, one that also depended way too much on references to Ghostbusters 1.
As a tribute to Harold Ramis, I rather found that the people were more milking out his passing, that the emotional part felt rather 'forced' and fake.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Watching this movie made me wonder "Have I become that old".
Because of my Autism and my depression I tend to dig into my own past for comfort and solace.
But this movie made me wonder if that is also that is all that is left in modern media; making you remember old movies, characters, games, etc.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Personally I think a GB sequel is thirty years too late, and maybe the same applies for Monkey Island.
Maybe Gilbert should have done it twenty-five years ago.
Afterlife was the best of a bad situation. That was all due to Murray being a douche.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Yes, I heard bits about that. What was it that made Murray object against doing a GB3. I heard he had a conflict with Harold Ramis?

On another note, I think Ghostbusters the video game was probably a better GB3, even if its story has its flaws such as building on nostalgia as well.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I think a probably better GB movie could have been done involving passing the torch to a new generation without relying on children and GB1 references.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Watching GBA and now thinking about RMI makes me think that would I rather have seen was new media that recaptures the spirit of these old classics, but has a new story to tell with new characters.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I am probably a hypocrite as I would like to see a Fallout set in Texas and have been making ideas for it.
But for me it would be sort of a conclusion to the Fallout franchise, like Van Buren could have been.
Well it and Black Isle Fallout 4 in Texas.
Fallout Texas should be made in the Atom RPG engine.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Originally I had been thinking of using an FPS engine, though not the one from FNV or FO4/F76.
But these last few years I have been thinking a lot that it should be like Fallout 1, 2, and the planned Van Buren. Be in an isometric turned based RPG in which the player can interact with most of the environment, even if it is pointless.
I guess Doom would work if you are not too ambitious.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I rather just stick with Ashes for that, but if Vostyok would ever like to go for a more modern 3D engine I would support him.
I would love to add more adventure elements to Ashes.
I am saying if it was me I would take Ashes and just rip it off and make it Texas. But I am a huge asshole.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
The settings are just too different Toront. But in the past I have suggested to Vostyok that it would be interesting if we could ever do an open world Ashes action-adventure game. Something like Ashes 2073.
But I rather do not get ahead of myself. Ep 3 needs to be made first.
You gotta work with the limitations you have. I firmly believe Doom would make Fallout a better FPS than Beth ever did.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
But some of my Fallout ideas may also make it into Episode 3 in some form.
Whatever you do I want to you to think long and hard about using ai to finish those stories you want to work on with that skunk lady.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Who knows. Some extra coding would be needed to make a Fallout RPG in the Doom engine work.
As you know Ashes started as a Fallout TC for Doom.
Maybe something like the Doom 2/Wolfenstein RPGs for mobile phone?