No Mutants Allowed

Well problem is the comics have always been political. Look at the Black Panther fighting the Klan in the 60's.
Problem is non comic fans thinking they actually know comics since they watch Marvel movies and cartoons.
Mostly blame The Watchmen.
People disagree on just how political it is but guys I think you need to realize the world in general is more political now as well. It has become a larger part of identity so it feels like people are hammering messages in your head all the time. They always did that but it is more blatant because people do not give a fuck.
Besides comics should be political. The superhuman registration act is one example of making the shit make sense. Tranny blah blah this or that not withstanding, most of you should avoid reading comics anyway since they are mostly shit now. PS Judge Dredd is political.
If someone wants to label you a fascist it is like calling you a dumb dumb head - meaningless.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I agree with you Micah that a lot of comics have always been political. I think I should have written that differently.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I had written a comment in a thread about a superhero comic involving female heroes in which I told that I feel whenever such comics are announced today, that I wonder if the stories inside are meant to entertain the reader or to tell readers how they should think and behave towards women.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
That made me a sexist.

Then I asked why I am a sexist because I don't agree how popular female characters are used these days and praise authors and the publisher for doing this as I think these characters appeal to people of more than one specific group.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Then I mentioned that if not walking with a 'correct think' group made me an -ist, I would rather be that than being a tool of any movement that believes its solely in the right and everyone else is an evil person.