No Mutants Allowed

The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I was never informed that an attempt had already been made to deliver it and that it had been left at a drop off point where I could pick it up as no message was left for me, physically or online.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
I now informed the seller where it is.
I hope this can all be resolved without extra costs.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish
Is it governmental mail office? Like tax payer funded and shit? Cause it so maybe tell the local news about it.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
Used to be government, but it got mostly privatized a couple of decades ago.
So now it is competing with DHL and other services regarding package delivery.
Most mail still goes through them.
The Dutch Ghost
The Dutch Ghost
It won't hit the news covers that they screwed up.
The Dutch post delivery service has been a mess for years.
For a while I had the idea that the person on the Helpdesk barely understood Dutch when I told her what had happened.