Just the tip of the iceberg. Someone said that masturbation damages your morality and you should just get a girlfriend, a fuck buddy if you will. They simplified love to levels that make Bethesda blush.
DeviantArt is the place where everyone-and-everything congregate to pour their brain-stuff out to the world, so yeah, expect everything. I got an account there, so, expect me as well. I've seen some mindblowing art there, but I've also seen retardation defying all expectation
Problem is the internet breeds trolls and morons so you never know what to believe.
I "love" all the "art-porn" there. DA is a fun social experiment in that regard, I wonder what they would NOT accept as "art", I've seen zoomed in spread pussies on that site, "celebrating the female form" of course. Someone should celebrate human digestion on a china platter