No Mutants Allowed

I was absolutely sure you had died. Now I have to clean up all my celebratory decorations. I had over a 100 balloons :(
Which places of the Iberian Peninsula did you visit?
Dr Fallout
Dr Fallout
Shit... now I feel bad... sorry @zegh87578...

Spain, Portugal and Andorra (FUCKING ANDORRA).
did you intentionally leave out the basque country? or ommit to mentioning it as separate? YOU IMPERIALIST!?
Dr Fallout
Dr Fallout
Hey, hey, hey! I pretty much stayed ONLY in Catalonia for Spain, visiting Barcelona and such.
catalonian independence is silly though! *is selective*
Dr Fallout
Dr Fallout
I get it, they're not the same. Though the Catalonians are fucking serious about their independence, or at least self rule. Catalonian police, transport, government, etc...
Deleted member 93956
Hope you enjoyed one of the coldest January months in years in the Barcelona province :P . What happened in Andorra, you couldn't smuggle something?
Deleted member 93956
And Catalonians are serious-ly dumb about their independence. The ones clamoring so much for it know as much history of their "nation" as a pet turtle. It's just an excuse to distantiate themselves from our central government, can't blame them for that
Dr Fallout
Dr Fallout
It was one of the coldest? But... it's... winter... I mean... yeah, it's cold, but... I guess, because it's Spain they have different ideas of what's cold and not.
Dr Fallout
Dr Fallout
Andorra was fun but a fuckup as well. Drove a car without any snow tires/chains/etc (uhhhh) then got conned with shitty chains that scratched the rental (uhhhh), and got insanely stressed driving around the steep, winding and icy roads of Andorra. But it worked out, and I was able to see some sick shit, like bears, deer, lynxes and wolves.
Dr Fallout
Dr Fallout
I mean it does have some basis, like the union between the kingdom of Aragon and the House of Barcelona, which ruled as an independent kingdom before Aragon joined Spain, it also has it's own culture and language but yeah, little too extreme.
Since I am Portuguese I have to say it is nice to see people going to visit Portugal and Spain.
People many times think both countries are pretty much the same but even the people in both are usually very different.
Dr Fallout
Dr Fallout
I liked Portugal more than Spain to be honest, what with the very beautiful blue tiled buildings in Porto, and the tomb of Vasco De Gama in Lisbon.
@Risewild I mostly visit Spain, cus I have family there, and mediterranean Spain at that, Valencia, but I did visit Portugal (I'm there to steal and pillage a girl), and what struck me was precisely the difference. It's very Atlantic, not surprisingly, it actually reminded me of Norway, lush, green, very forested, and this was even in the south where I expected even less forest.
i really want to visit southern spain sometimes, just to leave this rainy green island for a week.
I think you just have to avoid Galicia and Navarre, whenever I tell Spaniards they have no green areas, they always point out Galicia and Navarre... all "hey now!", the rest is just steppe
Deleted member 93956
Ya forgot Rioja! >:(
But yeah, no wonder Westerns were filmed in the (wasteland) center-east-southern region. Frickin' African winds get there.
Deleted member 93956
And it's so fucking boring to watch. In my visit to Mexico the Sonoran Desert was a joy to watch (not to stand on tho), lil baby tornados, vegetation, tree-tall cacti and some fauna. Here you'll get a car accident and if you're lucky :/
Well, as a visitor, I guess I share Eissa's fascination for the different. I took the Valencia Madrid speed train, and I stared out the window the entire ride. In fact, it's one of my pet peeves: Seeing fellow travellers who couldn't give a shit about the view... I even stare out the window on my own bus-rides to the city, right here in my home town :v