still, the tv series is probably one of the most accurate adaptations in existence. at least for the first three seasons at which point the butterfly effect starts to take hold.
If Butterfly effect means 'changes done for schock value' than you're right. I think those fucks just wanted to be kinda 'artsy' too, and get creative, which made the show look like it would become shit. But they kinda managed to save it with the last season.
I meant that smaller changes early on have caused much larger changes later. what do you mean changes done for shock value? seriously tho' compared to BS like TWD or that I am legend reboot I think the show is a fairly faithful adaptation all things considered. a lot of great character were cut though.
Have you seen all the episodes so far? If not, than I don't want to spoiler everything. I will say that much. Aryas plot, or at least the way how they wraped it up, made no sense. It was absolutely pointless.
And many of the kills in the show, seem uneccessary as well. Like I said, I don't want to spoil everything.