There were two battles recently that were very short although they could have taken a lot of the budget and went all out with it. Felt like Season Two when Rob and all the Kings were going at it and they didn't show much. Seemed fine to me tho.
They had one exterior shot of Highgarden and one cop out scene with the "walls" of Casterly Rock visible. They could've shown a still image for Highgarden and the bridge entrance for Casterly Rock (like how it is in the books). Would've looked a lot nicer imo.
Other than that I really liked the episode, it's a tiny insignificant detail that bothers me and shouldn't really be taken seriously. It wouldn't affect my score if I decided to score it out of 10. I just like complaining.
I'm not a die hard fan so such things have not bugged me. I have chosen to wait until after the show is over to finish the books. I know the budget is the main cause of all that along with time.
I've read twoiaf as well as the main series so I had pretty high expectations for the castles (the art in the book is really fucking nice). Been pretty impressed with s7 so far though and have given up comparing characters and writing to the books.
I read the first book, determined it was a series worth reading, then put them down because I don't have the patience or sanity for comparisons because they will always fail.