Getting shiny Pokemon in general is so not worth it. If I see a shiny Pokemon up for trade that I really like, I'll trade for it (got a shiny Darkrai for an Infernape, not bad). But eh otherwise.
Lots of people give a shit about shinies and game freak was like well fuck you guys lol.
Also cheat engine doesn't count.
Deleted member 93956
Sooo do want those colorblind Pokémon? You know there are ways in each game to dramatically improve the chance to get them, right?
It's not hard capped, so if you really want that gimmick that might as well not be there, like that Pokémon AIDS thing, you can get it as long as it exists or has existed at some point in the game. If you really really really are too lazy to use CE.
I agree with Graves. Having content in a game that is blocked in some way (the game doesn't allow you to access it unless you cheat or go to extra steps besides just playing the game normally) is a ridiculous thing.
Deleted member 93956
They wouldn't exist otherwise, though. And shines aren't content, it's an aesthethical gimmick that doesn't count for the PokéDex even if it registers them.
This is like saying that you should be gifted the Collector's Edition because you bought the game. And in this case it doesn't even involve paying up. It's not like it's such a competitive game that you need any of those to get by.
That doesn't make sense since the shiny already exist in the base game, some can be obtained in the game, but others are locked and can only be obtained by external sources.
Collector's Editions contain things that are not in the base game (usually DLCs), so saying that is being a bit silly.
Again you are being silly, you're comparing (once again) oranges to apples.
If a base game has content that you can't use or play unless you have to do something outside of playing the game normally, then it is excluding you from all of it's content. You paid for a game and it only allows you to normally play 97% of it. It is bad.
Deleted member 93956
It's bad also to leave cut content, secrets and cheats thenm seemslike. It's not in the way because it's what some bored programmer left in to make the game somewhat richerm should it just not be there for the OCD crowd to not lose their minds about it?
I honestly i always found shinies to be a stupid gimmick to begin with. It also makes no sense with cover legendaries like Palkia and Zekrom when, according to ingame lore, that there's only one.