I got into a debate with a college kid about morals. For some reason they thought these were objective, I educated them that they were indeed subjective. Good and bad are human constructs and not an inherent property of reality. Plus they wanted to debate the stupid feminism garbage.
I also couldn't get past the dumbfounding homeopathy claims they were making. They even told me they got genital herpes and had successfully treated it with some janky herbs, crystals, and junk. I stopped listening after crystals.
@Einhanderc7 I may be wrong but you seem to have got in to a mindset that because they disagree with you they are somehow ignorant. I mean lots of people make the case for objective morality on different grounds, and while I agree morality is subjective that doesn't mean others are ignorant for disagreeing.
I disagree with the first point and agree with the 2nd point. It's difficult to convey an entire conversation accurately with a character limit. I'm open minded and willing to be proven wrong as I have here in the past.