Mr Fish May 7, 2024 I've begun repeating things characters say in a seductive way back at them for fun. It's very fun.
Mr Fish Apr 19, 2024 Dragon Age 2, better than I remember, the ending makes everything feel pointless however.
Mr Fish Mar 31, 2024 One Punch Man, the dude kills a giant and he ends up landing on an entire town full of people which would end up killing thousands of people
One Punch Man, the dude kills a giant and he ends up landing on an entire town full of people which would end up killing thousands of people
Mr Fish Mar 30, 2024 Well Goblin Slayer's trash. Poor Pacing. No structure. Boring protagonist. Plot armor/convenience/device constantly wins the day. Bleh.
Well Goblin Slayer's trash. Poor Pacing. No structure. Boring protagonist. Plot armor/convenience/device constantly wins the day. Bleh.
Mr Fish Jan 12, 2024 Well I just momentarily got the cerfificate problem again. NMA is going to die, I'm telling you.
Mr Fish Nov 4, 2023 nvm, found it, power supply. Might need to buy a new one, mine sounds like there's something... Loose in it rattling around ever so slightly
nvm, found it, power supply. Might need to buy a new one, mine sounds like there's something... Loose in it rattling around ever so slightly
Mr Fish Nov 4, 2023 Quick question, what does the big square box fan in the upper corner of the PC desktop do exactly and what is it called?
Quick question, what does the big square box fan in the upper corner of the PC desktop do exactly and what is it called?
Mr Fish Nov 3, 2023 new wow expansion. undeground zones, ew. new race, got too many. new borrowed power, yikes. no world revamp, no player housing, poop a loop.
new wow expansion. undeground zones, ew. new race, got too many. new borrowed power, yikes. no world revamp, no player housing, poop a loop.