The Dutch Ghost Sep 1, 2023 >difference is that I'm not embarassed about it, I blame my autism. ) The joys of Autism. In my case it often puts me under a looking glass, judging me harshly for any flaw.
>difference is that I'm not embarassed about it, I blame my autism. ) The joys of Autism. In my case it often puts me under a looking glass, judging me harshly for any flaw.
Mr Fish Aug 26, 2023 "For every normie who is remotely skeptical about Starfield there is a turbo mouthbreather who will buy 5 or more copies of it."
"For every normie who is remotely skeptical about Starfield there is a turbo mouthbreather who will buy 5 or more copies of it."
Mr Fish Aug 22, 2023 Oh joy, Steam's down so I can't have access to the licenses that allows me to play games. Sure do love that DRM won.
Oh joy, Steam's down so I can't have access to the licenses that allows me to play games. Sure do love that DRM won.
Mr Fish Aug 21, 2023 I think this is the first time I've read Richard Grey's audiodiary. So... He basically wants to vore the world. How about that.
I think this is the first time I've read Richard Grey's audiodiary. So... He basically wants to vore the world. How about that.
Mr Fish Aug 20, 2023 Huh... First time I've ever seen Necropolis get invaded by super mutants... I thought that the invasion was cut content.
Huh... First time I've ever seen Necropolis get invaded by super mutants... I thought that the invasion was cut content.
Mr Fish Aug 10, 2023 Well, the worst word of the year is officially "dadgina", referring to a gay manly man's thick ass. I love it.
Well, the worst word of the year is officially "dadgina", referring to a gay manly man's thick ass. I love it.
Mr Fish Aug 10, 2023 I'm sick of hearing of the have's and the have not's have some personal accountability.
Mr Fish Aug 3, 2023 I just directly translated "Deathloop" in swedish and it sounds ridiculous, does it sounds silly to you burgers and burger-adjacents too?
I just directly translated "Deathloop" in swedish and it sounds ridiculous, does it sounds silly to you burgers and burger-adjacents too?
Mr Fish Jul 20, 2023 Hm, avocado with a pinch of salt and a dash of garlic on bread, hm hm indeed. Very hmmmm.
Mr Fish Jul 15, 2023 I'm a winedrunk milf, where's my sons best friend, I wanna tell him how grown up he's becum...
Mr Fish Jul 13, 2023 Gave System Shock a negative review. Why? Cause I don't think that after 70-80% mark is reached that asking the player to backtrack
Gave System Shock a negative review. Why? Cause I don't think that after 70-80% mark is reached that asking the player to backtrack
Mr Fish Jul 12, 2023 Gorillaz conception - Wow, modern pop music sucks, let's make fun of them. Gorillaz now = Modern pop music sure makes a lot of money!
Gorillaz conception - Wow, modern pop music sucks, let's make fun of them. Gorillaz now = Modern pop music sure makes a lot of money!