I would read into the background as being a nuclear blast. The foreground is the goat-headed man obviously a freemason.
If it was the holodisk version it would show NMA members looking back into the past thinking of shit to post.
Modern interpretation of ' Crooks and Coronets ' I would guess. Aristo's versus cockney spivs. The army Tommies need to mutiny or stay faithful to the status quo.
I just want to tame a shrew then arrange a fight with ' Boo' Winner takes all. :P
Attack ferrets and poland bears are far more suited to the snowlands theater of war. If Greenland thaws out polecats, brown bears and turtles will fight for domination.
Ta for answer. When I looked at SSD's, the internal 2.5 inch went on about cloning OS, stopping safe boot etc etc. I shit meself lol, thought I bet I will fuck it up.
Hand held up ! Never heard that term whale = big licks money squanderer. But I was smart enough to guess what it meant before I searched for definition. So 2 to you, 1 to me lol