Fresh pussy for the russians. I foresee an increase in rapes in the near future.

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Most of the men in Ukraine are dead now. They just started a campaign to recruit women soldiers, and they'll all be dead in a week. They'll get a week of basic rifle training and be sent to the front and be killed. Then Ukraine will ask for volunteers from western powers to help, all while U.S. taxpayers help launder more money to them. Between them and Israel, we are nearing a flashpoint of total war. If a draft starts, I'd rather die on our own soil than in another corrupt bullshit war that we (U.S.) are controlling.
DJT would have never let this happen.
My hope, my rooting, is for more dead russians, untill the war is over, giving Russia at least a few decades to pout, before they try something like that again.
That's all I want; dead Russians. Millions of them.
Most of the men in Ukraine are dead now. They just started a campaign to recruit women soldiers, and they'll all be dead in a week. They'll get a week of basic rifle training and be sent to the front and be killed. Then Ukraine will ask for volunteers from western powers to help, all while U.S. taxpayers help launder more money to them. Between them and Israel, we are nearing a flashpoint of total war. If a draft starts, I'd rather die on our own soil than in another corrupt bullshit war that we (U.S.) are controlling.
DJT would have never let this happen.
Operation Anchorage irl letsgooLol, noone's gonna draft you to Ukraine, there's waning interest in the conflict, they're gonna let Russia fuck everything over - and the Arctic war hasn't even started, worry about that one - that's gonna be on American soil, Canadian too - and Danish.
The world looks different from above:
i read that nigger Sunak the United Kangdom's PM "renewed" his support for ukra. i wonder what the tea junkies have to gain out of it? it can't just be hurr durr let's weaken russia hurr! cause if the newest batch of propaganda being aired is to be believed- acording to those leaked bundeswhatever documents, the poorly equipped and trained russian army with rusty ak's and ww2 tanks which occupied and holds 20% of ukraine is going to attack some baltic state shithole that use to be part of the soviet shithole way before.
i'm too lazy to look into it.
And destroy your health? No thanks, better stay tea junkie, atleast it's healthy.drink coke like normal human being. or a mexican if you like.
https://www.newsweek.com/putin-decr...a-calls-territory-empire-soviet-union-1862689Lol, noone's gonna draft you to Ukraine, there's waning interest in the conflict, they're gonna let Russia fuck everything over - and the Arctic war hasn't even started, worry about that one - that's gonna be on American soil, Canadian too - and Danish.
The world looks different from above: