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  1. william dempsey

    Americans will unironically die for Israel

    People are wittering on about GOG and Magog ! Is there a sale on ?
  2. william dempsey

    Jagged Alliance 3 is in the works

    If I stay off the ciggies I will buy it.
  3. william dempsey

    Jagged Alliance 3 is in the works

    JA3 seems to have died a death. Maybe I chose well when paying full bat for Baldur's Gate 3 ?
  4. william dempsey

    Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Discussion

    Lack of original ideas create remakes, both in the film and game industry. If Microsoft saw a sequel or a remake as an earner they would venture forth. Arcanum reminds me of both planescape and vampire TMB as having cult status but I doubt this cuts any ice with micro. Smallish core games will...
  5. william dempsey

    You know those quiz shows that say " We asked 100 people. . ." Has anyone been asked ?

    You know those quiz shows that say " We asked 100 people. . ." Has anyone been asked ?
  6. william dempsey

    What makes a show dated and not a period piece?

    I think this was made in 2023, so a current period piece.
  7. william dempsey

    What makes a show dated and not a period piece?

    Dates do taste bad, period.
  8. william dempsey

    What makes a show dated and not a period piece?

    I could make some weak puns about menstruation and dates. Christmas hampers usually contain dates but do not contain bludclaarts.
  9. william dempsey

    Colony Ship released!

    I played Age of Decadence and thought it was shite. The combat was borrring, the main map was ok. Colony Ship looks like lots of other games both the gameplay and inventory screens seem almost generic.
  10. william dempsey

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    The middle otter has two tails.
  11. william dempsey

    Thank you. I am a classically trained penis.

    Thank you. I am a classically trained penis.
  12. william dempsey


  13. william dempsey

    What Does The Quote "War, War Never Changes" Mean to You?

    War is a means to an end. If mankind stopped bombing and killing that would mean woke people and lesbians had gotten their own way.
  14. william dempsey

    Wolksvagens have vindshield vipers

    Wolksvagens have vindshield vipers
  15. william dempsey

    No way you finished DAO . I never bothered with inquisition as I thought it looked similar to...

    No way you finished DAO . I never bothered with inquisition as I thought it looked similar to Dragon age2 which was wank lol
  16. william dempsey

    Supermarket stuff is marked 'red', so if I take any it's classed as theft. Too many innocents...

    Supermarket stuff is marked 'red', so if I take any it's classed as theft. Too many innocents would die if it developed into a shoot out with security and their bots.
  17. william dempsey

    History of NMA

    As well as this site's archivist you are liaison officer :)
  18. william dempsey

    I went into town today and opened at least 50 crates/boxes/barrels/receptacles. I only found...

    I went into town today and opened at least 50 crates/boxes/barrels/receptacles. I only found gold in 2 of them. I wish rl was more like rpgs
  19. william dempsey

    History of NMA

    What a dumb question lol. (hint) Duck and Cover (not the brand name) Site for Fallout fannies