Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Discussion


First time out of the vault

I recently finished a playthrough of Arcanum, possibly the best fantasy RPG I have ever played. I adore everything about it, I only wish I had more time to indulge and look for more of the side quests.

Let me know what you guys think about this game and your experiences with it, if you don't mind.
This is a horse I fell off of earlier that I need to get back on top of. Wanted to play it, seems cool. but life collided with with my caveman brain that just wanted to shoot lame ass magic users. I'm sure I'll get around to it at some point.
I only played it once many years ago (10 or 15 I think).
I really liked it, but replaying it seems daunting, since I remember it being a very big game with tons of hours and a million choices to make.
I certainly can't find the time now.
I tried to decide to get back into it once, but only got so far as reading half of the manual.
I played it a lot when it was new. Then I tried to actually finish it sometime around 2012/13 but got stuck near the end for some reason. It's very good and I should probably get back at it with the aim to finally beat it.
With the recent buyout of Activision by Microsoft,(dear gosh!) does anyone think that we now have a chance to get an Arcanum sequel? Or even a remaster?

Probably not. Arcanum is too niche and not really popular enough to really get a sequel. Then again people probably thought the same about fallout before F3 was announced by Bethesda.
Yeah they would probably need to give it the Bethesda treatment if it is to have mass appeal. And mass appeal means I wont like it.
Lack of original ideas create remakes, both in the film and game industry. If Microsoft saw a sequel or a remake as an earner they would venture forth.
Arcanum reminds me of both planescape and vampire TMB as having cult status but I doubt this cuts any ice with micro.
Smallish core games will be released with lots of DLC's and micro transactions with spin off TV series and merch !
Same as it ever was. BUY IT>
I tried the game out before, long after Troika was defunct, though I never got around to finishing it. Its gameplay didn't appeal to me, much, and while the setting was interesting, it didn't captivate me initially. And some of the music was good, while the other tracks grated on my ears. I remember watching Indigo Gaming's Arcanum retrospective, and it gave me a newfound appreciation for the world-building. Still wasn't enough for me to go back to it, but maybe I will eventually. Hate not finishing games.
Need to find time to do a replay. Always wanted to do a pure firearms play and be an evil bastard.
I love this game. Combat and balance may not be the best in this game but the questlines and worldbuilding is just top notch