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  1. Korin

    The terrible German language

    "Der Bär frisst hundertdreiundzwanzig Fische." Translation: The bear is eating one hundred, three and twenty fish Why does this language have me doing math in my numbers? No wonder you're some kind of math genius @Hassknecht
  2. Korin

    Fallout First - A new way to displease customers?

    I didn't watch the video but I probably don't need to watch it to know what's in it. Other than buying the base game it is "free to play". Bethesda hasn't (to my knowledge) said the game won't someday be completely free. It sells for $10-20 in many stores and many others don't even carry it...
  3. Korin

    BSOD of hell

    That sounds promising... I'd charge it to full and test it a bit more but sounds like that might be the culprit.
  4. Korin

    BSOD of hell

    1. The first thing that comes to mind is a driver conflict because I had some similar issues with my PC that started suddenly without any obvious changes being made. It turned out that Nvidia's sound drivers (for the Nvidia card I plug my HDMI into - HDMI does sound) were competing with the...
  5. Korin

    BSOD on boot or when does it happen? You should make a post in the gaming tech forum...

    BSOD on boot or when does it happen? You should make a post in the gaming tech forum:
  6. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    I would debate just about anyone in good faith if they presented me the information for their reasoning. I might even end up learning something as is not infrequently the case. I don't think Trump supporters or Republicans are inherently or uniformly stupid. If that were the case you would have...
  7. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    I feel as fine as I did earlier in the day. It seems like you're the one that needs to cuddle misinformation to feel better. Let me know if you have any facts you'd like to share that didn't come from Infowars.
  8. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    The majority of resource comes from these areas... like where do y'all think vegetables and meat come from? Wheat? Paper? Coal and oil? There's also significant economic differences in these areas. Everyone literally cannot live in a city because they couldn't afford it. Rural areas aren't a...
  9. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    I disagree with it because there's no factual evidence for it. It's not a matter of opinion like which tea you think tastes best.
  10. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    Also, the Donald is well on his way to being impeached but the senate will still never convict him. I'm not sure what the goal here is. The impeachment process is a useful tool for preventing another Hitler but this isn't going anywhere. There's a grey enough area for Republicans to argue...
  11. Korin

    Stupid Watergate - or how to impeach Donald Trump.

    The electoral college does kind of make sense and we have something similar here in Canada. The majority of the population here lives in a few major cities but we have "ridings" that are divided and cover the entirety of every province. Ex. There are probably more people in Toronto than even...
  12. Korin

    Bethesda May Have Refrenced/Ripoff Batman: The Animated Series

    This is a pretty loose association and at best a reference with his wife being named Nora. He didn't freeze his wife, nor did he "allow" her to be frozen since no one in Vault 111 actually knew what was happening. They also weren't being frozen to be saved but rather experimented on. The "true"...
  13. Korin

    It's possible that the Google ads running on this site have tagged you as being interested in...

    It's possible that the Google ads running on this site have tagged you as being interested in Oblivion. Youtube is owned by Google, so they would share that information pretty freely. It could come from anywhere though, Facebook scrapes your messages the same way. The only other things I can...
  14. Korin

    Fallout 76 - From BETA To Wastelanders

    I didn't watch the video but I've been following the drama on Reddit as well as Discord (I share some Discords with people involved) and have some thoughts on the matter. Having done work in the security sector I can tell you it doesn't matter how "helpful" you think you're being, if you spend...
  15. Korin

    What games?

    What games?
  16. Korin

    Thanks man... and it still needs maintenance -_- at least it didn't fall apart too much while I...

    Thanks man... and it still needs maintenance -_- at least it didn't fall apart too much while I was gone, lol
  17. Korin

    Climate Change is not real!

    There is a lot more to unpack here that doesn't have anything to do with gay pride, mostly around our puritanical views of the human body. We are taught that a woman's breasts are to be hidden and that they are a private/secret/special holy area. You should be ashamed that they're visible and be...
  18. Korin

    Logical Phallusy found biggest Fallout 76 fanboy even after F76 subscription

    No, it's mostly just me here :p though I'll acknowledge many of the game's failures and shortcomings as long as they're accurately represented. I'm more of a far leaning centrist.
  19. Korin

    RIP Don Cherry... he not dead, just unemployed

    RIP Don Cherry... he not dead, just unemployed
  20. Korin

    The terrible German language

    Ok, I see... would it be fair to say that "Der mann isst brot nicht" is interpreted more as "The man is not eating bread currently" rather than saying he doesn't eat bread at all?