Resident Schizo Poster
I was sitting back this Sunday, taking a break from finishing up my mod which is long overdue to be released by watching my favorite episode of Batman: The Animated Series, Heart of Ice. As I was watching a epiphany came over me. Mr. Freeze's wife is named Nora. The Sole Survivor (Who we all know is male in the canon. Don't try to kid yourself Bethesda.) wife is also named Nora. Like Mr. Freeze, The Sole Survivor allowed Vault-Tec to cyrogentically freeze his wife in order to save her from the Great War. So Bethesda, who we all know never had a original thought in their life, may have ripoff what is considered to be Paul Dini and Bruce Tim's masterpiece and the best supervillain origin in modern times and thought that their shitty rehash of "I'm looking for my father/son" story was on par with what is considered by fans to be the best Batman: The Animated Series episode. Now this may be a coincidence and I maybe over thinking this but given how Bethesda rips off other peoples work this may not be a reach.