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  1. Alphadrop

    Civilization Series

    Just got back into SMAC after I remembered the GoG version now has Crossfire added to it. Playing Peacekeepers because blue helmets in space is an awesome concept and the only two factions who really don't like them are the Spartans and Believers and no one likes them either. I only like a few...
  2. Alphadrop

    Torment: Tides of Numenera Screenshot, FO3 DLC sale

    To enumerate on Eumesmopo's post this article shows Torment is now the most funded KS ever.
  3. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    That's my main tactic for nobbling German tanks as the Commonwealth in CoH 1, flank speed Cromwells can easily solo almost any tank if it just runs circles around it.
  4. Alphadrop

    LucasArts destroyed by Disney's Death Star

    I'm still scared of those damn trash monsters, also burnt corpses in the second mission. Man Dark Forces had some vivid disturbing imagery and enemies.
  5. Alphadrop

    Doctor Who

    "If I types really quickly I am the best hacker" I would say that they have a good handle on how many people post sensitive information on Twitter though. :P Was a good episode, some nice quirky twists and turns and no overly dramatic or dumb dialogue. Nice to see U.N.I.T make an appearance...
  6. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    World of Tanks, might be kinda grindy but I love pootling about in Brit tanks giving the enemy what for.
  7. Alphadrop

    Phantom Pain AND Ground Zeroes are Metal Gear Solid 5

    Whoa that's some crazy shizzle right there. Wonder if Miller ever takes of those sunglasses.
  8. Alphadrop

    What is your most impressed weapon?

    Or just take them out with Shadowsword anti-titan tanks because the Imperial Guard are bored of holding the line.
  9. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Dark Messiah used to blue screen due to my processor when running on Windows XP but not 7, that's how shonkily it's programmed. Still a fun game when it works.
  10. Alphadrop

    So I played the Old Republic. . .

    SWG is still going pre CU on private servers. Hard to keep the ol' girl down.
  11. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Starcraft II, however playing the ported Starcraft I campaign and man does it feel so much better than the drek of II. Not sure why but the writing sucks less and maybe because you're actually a character in Starcraft you feel much more involved. Also the mod adds little confederate flags to...
  12. Alphadrop

    Fallen Earth

    I was sorta turned off it when my character fell through the map halfway through the tutorial and died. That was back when it was really buggy though, not really bothered giving it another look see due to the grind.
  13. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Squats were essentially deaded in 3rd edition just not officially, however they are back in 6th as well as the return of mutant/abhuman regiments of Guard, at least in the fluff if not in models.
  14. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    The Commissar is the only one I roll with due to the aforementioned close combat skillage as explained by Ilosar. He's basically my go to guy when things need punchins rather than shootins as even Ogryn's are crap(ish) in that regard. I do prefer giving him the ability to execute enemies rather...
  15. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Ack all this sweet Guard talk's giving me the urge to reinstall Retribution, upgrade Lord Commissar to power fist for maximum punchings. Playing a fair bit of Company of Heroes, 2v2 with guys I know but was kinda one sided as the two on the other team were kinda new. Then again being swamped...
  16. Alphadrop

    Bethesda opens merchandise shop

    I likes the messenger bags, nice and simple. Shame about the 60 greenback price.
  17. Alphadrop

    Shadowrun returns (on kickstarter)

    Tis a thing o' beauty. For 15 american green that video alone is a steal, let alone the game.
  18. Alphadrop

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

    Well a fair few people did think it was 'shopped before it was confirmed to be official and yea the font is naff atmo, hopefully a proof of concept rather than the the finished box art.
  19. Alphadrop

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

    Makes sense, the boat sections of 3 were the only thing that consistently reviewed well. So will Blackbeard be a templar or a 'lumi?
  20. Alphadrop

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Dragonborn actually averts that to a degree with the Raven's Rock fellas thanking you for being awesomes and other characters commenting on what you did around the town. Guards still insult you but that's how House Redoran rolls and it plays of the Dark Elf ego thang from Morrowind that was...