Phantom Pain AND Ground Zeroes are Metal Gear Solid 5


Vault Dweller
Phantom Pain will be something of a prologue, with Ground Zeroes coming into play later. I figure something like Plant and Tanker Chapter in MGS2

Link with video

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Big Boss and Master Miller in action, nice. Also it looks like the MSF base is going to be destroyed. The trailer is some hot epicness.
Lexx said:
Big Boss and Master Miller in action, nice. Also it looks like the MSF base is going to be destroyed. The trailer is some hot epicness.

Yup, it might be that MSF is destroyed and Snake is injured in the attack, leading to the first part Phantom Pain.

In the hospital we also see Volgin in the flaming hallway, but I figure it might be some hallucination, like that giant sandworm looking thing.
There is also psycho mantis, revolver ocelot, the horse from big boss, etc. Seems like a lot folks will be "coming back".
Any Portable Ops or Peace Walker spoilers in that trailer? I still haven't played those yet, but plan to soon.
Kamoho said:
Any Portable Ops or Peace Walker spoilers in that trailer? I still haven't played those yet, but plan to soon.

Not really.
Just saw the trailer. Recently I went through MGS2-3-4 and while I'm still VERY bitter with the last game I'll keep an eye on the fifth game.

I'm the only one that finds the human models plastic-like?

Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Phantom Pain will be something of a prologue, with Ground Zeroes coming into play later.

It's the opposite.

"Ground Zeroes is a prologue of MGSV. 9 years after that event will be The Phantom Pain. MGSV is constructed w/ prologue and main game TPP. The game play demo I presented today is the opening of TPP which is tutorial that starts from crawling."

Which makes sense given that the phantom pain is related to limb loss.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
It's the opposite.

"Ground Zeroes is a prologue of MGSV. 9 years after that event will be The Phantom Pain. MGSV is constructed w/ prologue and main game TPP. The game play demo I presented today is the opening of TPP which is tutorial that starts from crawling."

Which makes sense given that the phantom pain is related to limb loss.

That makes sense, where did you see that? I got mine from the article above

"The Phantom Pain part of the story is to be a kind of prologue, with the Ground Zeroes part coming later in the game, with more open world elements."
There is a Peacewalker spoiler at the end, but it's very indirect. the Ground Zeroes trailer has some.

It's also a flaming whale, I think? and considering there's a bit where you ride on Ocelot's horse and shoot a shotgun at flaming, winged pegasus, who knows how 'hallucinatory' it is.

Ocelot, angry volgin ghost (which probably means more of the Sorrow), flaming whales, Big Boss gaining some sort of horn and losing a hand only to replace it with PEACEWALKER SPOILERS

[spoiler:7c2edd7bd4]Zadornov's ROCKET PEACE hand[/spoiler:7c2edd7bd4]

PS Kojima didn't touch portable ops since he was working on MGS4. He did touch Peacewalker, so don't bother with portable ops because it's awful. Play Peacewalker because you can do so with a DS3 (Hd Collection w/ MGS3+2 & peacewalker) and it makes life much easier.
Wintermind said:
Ocelot, angry volgin ghost

I doubt Volgin is *actually* in this game. In some shots there's a guy that looks suspiciously like Psycho Mantis. He's probably putting all this stuff in Snake's head.

Just a theory though.
Oh yeah, and him. It's entirely possible that whole mindfuck sequence with ocelot is from Psycho Mantis. I am curious as to who melty face mcsillyhat is though.

E: it's a flaming whale, most likely. Bandage face tells you to call him Ishmael.
Love this. Can't wait. Been a MGS fan since MGS1 on ps1.

They should change the tag line though from "Tactical Espionage Action" to "I Don't Know What the Fuck is Going On but I'm So Ready to Play This".
rcorporon said:
They should change the tag line though from "Tactical Espionage Action" to "I Don't Know What the Fuck is Going On but I'm So Ready to Play This".

That is sig worthy.
Nothing is better and great than metal gear solid 5 it's superb game, i got one more special thing which makes me more enchanting that is snake costume, it is available at FilmStarJackets
I've just ordered the Legacy Collection for the PS3.

I'm attempting to get into the series before V releases.

I've heard that it's silly and cool in a James Bond kind of way.
If by "James Bond" kind of way you mean "James Bond mixed with Zardoz mixed with japanese anime and some acid" then yeah. I love the series and its silliness, but even at its best the stories are so hopelessly convoluted that you're either in for the crazy cheesy fun or you're 11 years old and genuinely don't know better.