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  1. Nodder

    Thanksgiving: Count your blessings about FO3

    I thought they might have been a secret expeditionary unit who had arrived in submarines based off of Cuba or something like that.
  2. Nodder

    What are the issues with New Reno?

    Well, the U.S. is a large place that has more than two coasts. What if you took a relatively small city such as Flagstaff or Carson City and had them be able to survive the nukes and the fall? They would end up looking pretty high-tech by the time of FO, regardless of what they were like...
  3. Nodder

    Thanksgiving: Count your blessings about FO3

    I mean on preexisting canon. The Fat Man and Chinese swordsmen in D.C. may be dumb but they do not tamper with the canon set prior to FO3. In the far future when the rights of the series are handed to another developer, all of that can be safely disregarded as "Bethesda canon" and it wouldn't...
  4. Nodder

    What are the issues with New Reno?

    Why does it have to rebuild from scratch? Couldn't it have been a fortress town that survived the fall with its technology intact? Like Jericho and the other towns from the titular show.
  5. Nodder

    What are the issues with New Reno?

    But that's like saying "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi" isn't all that Star Wars-ish. Why does realistic depressing post-apoc have to define Fallout? If there can be super-tech remnants from older eras present in the wasteland, why not oases of super-tech cities? Maybe New...
  6. Nodder

    Thanksgiving: Count your blessings about FO3

    * They didn't set it in the West Coast, and thus when they did tamper with the lore it was all about splinter groups like the Capital Wasteland BoS and the CW Enclave who never existed in FO2 and older games.
  7. Nodder

    Vault-Tec experiments dumbest plot line ever

    Maybe there were a lot more shelters than we know about than the Vault-tec Vaults and the Enclave... enclaves. It's a big country, who knew what else Black Isle had up its sleeve.
  8. Nodder

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #56

    They're not journalists, but people act and treat like they are, so for all intents and purposes they are a form of journalists to the general public. So for functional purposes, Yahtzee is a gaming journalist, or at least a critic with enough populist cred to be thought of as one by the masses.
  9. Nodder

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #56

    Screw Kieron Gillen It perfectly matches real American journalism, where Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are often better respected and more listened to than the real media. Or, if you prefer, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannnity are better respected and more listened to. Same principle- people...
  10. Nodder

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #56

    if there's a better gaming journalist please name him so we can idolize him as the herald of truth in an industry of lies. and if you say Kieron fuckin Gillen then you have no credibility with me, sirrah!
  11. Nodder

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #56

    Yahtzee is the voice of the voiceless and the current Walter Cronkite of gaming journalism (mostly because everyone else sucks harder). That said, he's not much of a hardcore gamer and probably has never played the original Fallouts in his life.
  12. Nodder

    Zero Punctuation

  13. Nodder

    Ideas for other Fallout Settings

    Some of them are lame but others aren't too bad, geez if Tim Cain made a game tomorrow some NMA partisans will probably disown it and call him a false prophet, people who think that Fallout 2 was a bad turn for the franchise just can't be convinced. It will be almost worth it when someone...
  14. Nodder

    Ideas for other Fallout Settings

    I found this write-up for Fallout Florida. It looks pretty cool. Has anyone thought of settings in Fallout that aren't set in a California/western place?
  15. Nodder


    Post-apocalyptic Canada or Mexico is close enough to post-apoc U.S. to preserve a certain feel, yet different enough to be interesting. Why would anyone care about borders after the bombs fall. And Canada is American territory anyways.
  16. Nodder

    The Perfect Fallout...

    Oh. I thought it was more of Cali. I would have liked to see some originality in a North American game and have some of it take place in Mexico, too. No targets were nuked there I assume.
  17. Nodder

    Dark Humor and Bethesdas Take on It

    Er, the internet and Web 2.0 is not restricted to the U.S.
  18. Nodder

    Dark Humor and Bethesdas Take on It

    You can't fight the future.
  19. Nodder

    Dark Humor and Bethesdas Take on It

    And these are the people who are more interested in standing in line all night to get Gears of War 2 for the golden gun than in buying Fallout 3, who said that Bethesda was pandering to them. The general dumbing down of games is part of the whole mainstreaming of video games and technology-...
  20. Nodder

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #31

    So is Gameplay Monthly the first reviewer to say that FO 3 isn't stellar?