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  1. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Sorry i totally forgot about it. Tomorrow I'll try to retest it with some older save.
  2. Weyland

    Firefly Tactics

    But I can spend about one hour per day on testing it.
  3. Weyland

    Firefly Tactics

    Cool idea, sadly I don't know Firefly but I'll ask on couple of places in web. What are the requirements? Of course except some knowledge about Firefly i guess :)
  4. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    I found a bug in Vicotria
  5. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    I have couple of questions, you don't need to provide details, just simple "yes/no" is enough ;) When I finish mod I need to replay it, I want to solve some quests in other way :) Can't wait for another mod :D[/SPOILER]
  6. Weyland

    Fallout 2 mod Olympus 2207 (english translation)

    Good luck, the worst part is translating battlecries, I hate this file:)
  7. Weyland

    What happened to the Olympus 2207 english translation?

    Huh, awesome list :D Maybe you know something about Project O2 (sequel)? Theirs vk and official site looks dead, but maybe...
  8. Weyland

    What happened to the Olympus 2207 english translation?

    And another question, Fixed Edition and Crazy Edition are the same, or are there any differences? If yes does anybody can provide link with most recent version of CE? Thanks in advance.
  9. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Hmm I need the check my saves, if I have I'll check it, because I add him when I płace teammates in base.
  10. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Ok I found little issue in Slaver's Den Except that, for now is really cool.
  11. Weyland

    What happened to the Olympus 2207 english translation?

    Truły I don't know, I didn't play it yet. I want to play this year, when translation will be done.
  12. Weyland

    What happened to the Olympus 2207 english translation?

    What is the differences between this and version from ??
  13. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Ok on other machine it works perfectly. :)
  14. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    I checked and there is MYTILES folder with a lot of files, tomorrow I'll install mod on fresh instalation, maybe presence of CotA broke sth :/
  15. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    1. Ok, I'll check it later. 2. Ok, I didn't think about that 3. No, I did only what I mention, I'll start again from the beginning and see.
  16. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Ok I checked it today, after two hours it is really cool. Big respect for dialog options and possibility to resolve quests in couple of ways. Bleeding and other changes are cool, I think all fights may be more difficult. But for now I have three bad things 1 I don't see pavements in Victoria...
  17. Weyland

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

    I checked discord server and there is no info about finished translation. So it should be russian.
  18. Weyland

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    Wow, great news, I'll check it in a days. Hahah, it's curious when (if yes) new mod arrives. :D
  19. Weyland

    Fallout 2 mod Status on Mutant Rising?

    I'm guessing, 2020 will not be a year when mutants rise?