First time out of the vault

Maybe 2021 

Are the dialogs and lines spelled out? I would take a small change to implement. I must say that I do not know English well. But I studied the scripts a little while working at home. I make builds in Russia.I've reached the point where I don't really care anymore, I can't do anything more to complete the game, scripting isn't something I'm capable of so it's up to the Fallout comunity if the game will ever be released. For players that don't want the game to be spoiled, I recommend you don't open the spoilers, everything will be shown, including hidden areas that players won't be able to initially see and are opened though gameplay. With the location descriptions and images the players will have all of the fundamental information covering Mutants Rising, so be aware, but the devil is in the detail, and the game has a lot of amazing details.
The link is empty - "no text channels".We have a Mutants Rising Discord server - https://discord.com/channels/662168370564694047/662168370564694053
A place like Vegas has 6 maps and 18 elevations, close to 30 quests, and 100 critters doing their thing. Ardent spent months scripting it, but it's still not finished. The place has about 170 scripts, and it's only 50% complete.
don't wait for it if they don't find help from fellow scripters/codersHow long will it take to finish the scripting? Can you give me an estimate?
You must upload all the files that are in the network, otherwise it will lie for an indefinite number of years, or send me in private (if you do not want to put it in public access for everyone) so that I can take a look at your big creation in what state are the current scripts and dialogs there.The place has about 170 scripts, and it's only 50% complete. I'm not trying to hide the reality that there's a lot of scripting required to finish the game, people might ask 'is it worth my time' - well I'll show you what we have (the world we made) and then people can decide for themselves, that's all I can do - I'm basically advertising for help.
you can send me only dialogs and everything related to scripts (ssl sources, .h files), and preferably the entire <game>/data/data/*.* folder.We use TortoiseSVN to upload