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  1. laclongquan

    Why does everything in FNV feel so "recent"?

    You dont seem to understand what your own hands just typed out? Lets put two posts of your side by side and see I said, I dont give a flying fuck what Caesar think of belief, only in what he does. Whether he believe in Hegel or not, doesnt matter. Whether he say he being a moral man (hah!) or...
  2. laclongquan

    Why does everything in FNV feel so "recent"?

    Who give a flying fuck what a leader actually think or believe? That fucker raise a movement to make tribal war, war feed war, much more intense than before. Before he set his damn foot onto that ground, they just make small skirmish wars. Brutal but localized. But he bringing his system into...
  3. laclongquan

    Why does everything in FNV feel so "recent"?

    What do you mean "ideologically modern"? Their damn system is a replication of a much older societal model, run way back to tribal alliance. The targeted tribe get attacked until destroyed and absorbed, their members started again as lowest societal position: (battle) slaves, working up. Their...
  4. laclongquan

    Would Anyone Be Up For a New Isometric Styled Fallout Game Made By InXile?

    Fallout must include retrofuturism, otherwise it's just another post apocalyptic game of which there are several outside of Fallout universe. Fallout must include some scavenger's style of art direction. Fallout 4 go outside of that requirement and the damn thing is not visually Fallout. Old...
  5. laclongquan

    Fallout 3: Fallout At It's Finest

    Fallout 3's problem both a matter of less of EVERYTHING in relate to writing, to quality. From background, to quest, to notes etc... I wont mention dialog (thought it's big prob) because it relate to Voice Acting which is another headache we will talk in other argument. I wont mention something...
  6. laclongquan

    Why does everything in FNV feel so "recent"?

    It feel recent because you the player get pulled according to story's pace and flow. The peak of the pace is the FIRST hoover dam battle. Everything is built up around it: NCR force move to the Dam, NCR investment flow like water toward the desert to build up Goodspring, various farmstead from...
  7. laclongquan

    Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

    I dunno~ Considering Fallout 4's personal story get butchered by Beth writers, the Amazon script writers couldnt possible do any worse.
  8. laclongquan

    Fallout: London

  9. laclongquan

    Fallout: London

    OOOOooooh Somebody get touchy~ Strike a nerve?
  10. laclongquan

    Fallout: London

    THIS just show the Indians are too numerous for local Englishmen that they think bollywood-dance-style scenes are not something to be facepalm about. Too familiar with something happen everyday around them, so to speak~
  11. laclongquan

    Roger Maxson knew exactly what he was doing

    " Either it implies that Maxson had delusions of grandeur and saw himself as the tragic victim of everything happening at Mariposa, which reeks of narcissism..." No he's not delusion, and yes he's the tragic victim of all these shits. Shits being done at Mariposa, very smelly shits. When things...
  12. laclongquan

    Thoughts on The Outer Worlds?

    Outer World is a game full of potential but ruined by weakened writing department. Specifically, without Avellone~
  13. laclongquan

    Roger Maxson knew exactly what he was doing

    Since I am not an Enclave boy, or a Brotherhood boy, I dont really give that much of a shit about a prewar old coot~ The gov are deader than doornail anyway. And seceding is seceding. The gov being bad guys is just an excuse anyway~ By the iron rule of army, he still be a secessionist~
  14. laclongquan

    Fallout 4 doesn't feel like New Vegas

    WHAT DO YOU MEAN "the future that the 1950's pop culture expected, rather than a future obsessed with the 1950's." Which Fallout gamers would give a flying fuck about real 50s pop culture, expectation or otherwise? I remind you we are talking retrofuturism, which is something thought up by 50s...
  15. laclongquan

    Fallout 4 doesn't feel like New Vegas

    Because from the look of it, from player's POV, Fallout 4 leave retrofuturism that was shown in F3 and FNV. Retrofuturism in F3 and FNV is guns made from Prewar so they look rusty and remade. Energy weapons look really weird in the style of 50s futurism. Clothes, aside from prewar articles, are...
  16. laclongquan

    Fallout 4 Is Better Than You Think

    You made good point but you came to a wrong conclusion. Mobsters , Slacks, bowler hats, letterman jackets and suits are not that much of a problem, not in the sense of thematic style they took for Fallout 4 (which is not retrofuturism which is for another article). No, they did nothing for...
  17. laclongquan

    The .44 Pistol has a very curious and impossible flaw

    This is too gun-nutting for me. Also, it's a pistol so who care? Now if it's a shotgun, people would jump up and down about it from day one.
  18. laclongquan

    Fallout: Dust Discussion

    Dust is one of very few total conversion mods that you roleplay absolutely different yet believable background. Entirely thanks to the amnesiac starts. 1. You could be an Enclave remnant 2. You could be East Coast Brotherhood of Steel trying to investigate what happened to West Coast remnant...
  19. laclongquan

    Fallout memes, rants, fanwank - AKA - A General Fallout Discussion Thread

    That is not Caesar's empire. For one thing, his sons or descendants didnt go on to keep the topmost positions in the empire. Take Genghis Khan's empire for example. His sons and relatives kept topmost positions in his empire after his death. Though that empire broke down immediately after that...
  20. laclongquan

    Fallout memes, rants, fanwank - AKA - A General Fallout Discussion Thread

    And so the emperor declare: the empire shall not fall. ... .. . Thus spake Alexander. Or Genghis Khan. I dunno, the fucker made that image is not very well-read. or understood much about politic of an organization like a bunch of tribes tied together by some charismatic leader. Or even empire.