Roger Maxson knew exactly what he was doing


Still Mildly Glowing
Roger Maxson knew exactly what he was doing when he compared himself to Jefferson Davis.

It is entirely incongruent that a military policeman would declare himself and his unit as seceding from the United States when they had just found out that the scientists they were guarding had been engaging in war crimes. He goes on to equate himself to Jefferson Davis, and then equates secession to desertion in the Army. Either it implies that Maxson had delusions of grandeur and saw himself as the tragic victim of everything happening at Mariposa, which reeks of narcissism...

Or he knew exactly what he was doing.

Let's review the facts: the scientists at Mariposa were conducting presumably-illegal experiments on prisoners of war. While the Fallout universe probably doesn't have these kinds of restrictions, these sort of experimentation is illegal in real life, and apparently the men and women stationed at Mariposa were not jackbooted-thuggish enough to overlook it. If it was legal, then they simply had their moral compasses dialed in.

On October 10, Maxson takes command of the base from Colonel Spindel and has his men round up the scientists--he does this explicitly to avoid his men killing them all. Three days later, he shoots the chief scientist himself. By October 18, all of the scientists are dead on his orders. Nobody left to interrogate. Then he makes his absurd declaration on October 20, gets no response for several days, and they evacuate the base's remaining personnel on October 27.

Nobody took Maxson's threat seriously not because the war was going badly; we've been told repeatedly in other sources that the United States had been engaged in a land invasion of China and that it was going quite well. Nobody took the threat seriously because he declares two things at once, one of which is absurd. You, an Army unit charged with protecting a top-secret base, don't secede from the United States. Senators and landowners secede from the United States, and unless they live in Key West they usually fail.

Nobody is sure how fast Maxson got his Brotherhood of Steel shtick going. Fallout 76 implies it was very early after the Great War, but that source doesn't hold much water around here. However, I'm inclined to agree that Maxson was probably drafting up his ideas for his knightly order for a while--maybe even before the bombs dropped.

The Knights of the Golden Circle were a secret society formed before the American Civil War that stockpiled gold to fund the creation of a new slavocratic empire centered on the Gulf of Mexico. While it might sound absurd, a lot of people you've probably heard of were members, Jefferson Davis among them. It's not uncommon for Neo-Confederate groups to name themselves after Knights and Templar-like terms; the Klan does it, for example.

I'd wager that Roger Maxson always had Anti-American leanings, agreed with the tenants technofeudalism keeping advanced technology out of the hands of the Untermensch, and really liked the sound of "Paladin Maxson" on his dog tags for a change.

But the Government gave those orders for FEV research at Mariposa! Maxson was seceding because the Government were the bad guys!

Captain Maxson and co. had no way of knowing that FEV research was doctrinal for the war effort. Their contacts with high command fell on deaf ears, and apparently the Government didn't take his threats seriously enough to send anyone in the three days before the Great War. What was Maxson's plan? Go to the press and say "Hi, I'm Grand Wizard Roger Maxson of the Brotherhood of Steel and the Government is creating supersoldiers to kill the Red Commies!" Go build a compound and get blown up by the Feds, Waco-style?

If Maxson did want to open up a legitimate investigation, he would have done so. He could have done so even after killing the scientists, although I think he did that precisely because he knew he couldn't be leaving any witnesses. I think that the narrative he gives in the holodisk is doctored to put him in a heroic light. Roger Maxson knew exactly what he was doing when he compared himself to Jefferson Davis: he was making a gambit for establishing his little technofeudal despot state right when the country had enough destabilization and troops overseas so that he could stake a claim over some Californian desert and get blown up once the boys came home from Beijing. He was never a hero, he was just a walking corpse.

By the way, anyone ever notice that Roger Maxson kind of sounds like Charles Manson? He must have been listening to Helter Skelter while they renovated Lost Hills.
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So You've discovered Roger Maxon is more noraml than today's left. Though true right wingers still view him as a liberal-commie. the fact freemason organisations go hand by hand with liberal goverments, so they are in no way like the KKK. in fact first two original fallout games as most if not all games lean towards liberal left.
The only thing, is that in first two fallouts it's somewhat tolerable, however in Fo3 NewVegas 4 and 76 the lib left level went over 9000.
This sounds like a case of Roger Maxson being completely in the right but he messed up and said the n word a few too many times so the US government gets off scot-free.
Since I am not an Enclave boy, or a Brotherhood boy, I dont really give that much of a shit about a prewar old coot~

The gov are deader than doornail anyway.

And seceding is seceding. The gov being bad guys is just an excuse anyway~ By the iron rule of army, he still be a secessionist~
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Since I am not an Enclave boy, or a Brotherhood boy, I dont really give that much of a shit about a prewar old coot~

The gov are deader than doornail anyway.

And seceding is seceding. The gov being bad guys is just an excuse anyway~ By the iron rule of army, he still be a secessionist~

Yea ya'll are thinking too deep into this...Maxon only knew of one case of secession, and in the heat of the moment, said the only thing that he remembered, because ironically, 'they remember Jay D'. Its literally his justification. Then two days later, his head clear, he goes back to 'desertion'. He was hot headed, is all.

He's not some KKK agent in disguise, the KKK would be nearly 200 years old and probably long dead at this point; he was a fed up army man in the last days of the pre-war world. If anything, the quiet around his declaration probably points to this issue being rife with the US military at this time, and the US gov probably moving to secure assets due to their intel telling them the reds were about to launch (or they were about to launch first, and didn't give a damn about some unit topside, gotta evac!) FEV not showing immediate use probably gave it a lower priority than securing Senator whatever from flyover state's family.
That's an interesting idea, that Maxson already had something up in his head.

I think the holodisk is pretty clear in that Maxson was pretty much executing the scientists out of rage and disbelief at their explanations that the entire thing was ordered from above. He thought the scientists were running some sick experiment on the sly. Maxson was in deep denial about it.

I don't think the holodisk was doctored at all. The one from the Brotherhood might have been.
We know that he was getting the full story from Von Ferelden down there in The Glow, when the transmission was cut because West Tek got nuked. The Pre-War Govt didn't answer back because they were too busy getting to their shelters, such as the Control Station Enclave in

I think the implication here was that if the nukes didn't fall, Maxson blowing the lid on Mariposa would cause a 2nd American Civil War. It's why he seceded and compared himself to Jefferson Davis.
" Either it implies that Maxson had delusions of grandeur and saw himself as the tragic victim of everything happening at Mariposa, which reeks of narcissism..."
No he's not delusion, and yes he's the tragic victim of all these shits.
Shits being done at Mariposa, very smelly shits. When things go tits up, which these kinds of turds have tendency to do so... When things go tits up, every persons in command slots are going to get shits on their hands: public accusation, public responsibility etc... And does he know those shits being done? No. Can he control and stop it before being done? No. Can he get out of those smelly charge? No.
Generally, un-knowing-of-shits people get command slots in those nightmares are usually pawns get thrown out to bear responsibility, maliciously and with full intent.
These are the type of things that bury people, literally and figuratively. The very best he can expect is a quiet retirement and away from public eyes, in his young age. But that's unlikely, not with that situation. He might very well get suicided by shooting himself in the back multiple times, leaving a typed-without-signed confession last will letter.

So he did that secessionist thing to blow everything up way beyond control. This could very well get him killed, but there's a minor chance of him getting out without bearing black marks for those war crimes. A public execution is a fair trade against the charge of inhumanity against man.
Wearing R souls on our sleeves is one reason we get covered in shit. I've seen many married posers and they are all full of shit.
Lots of people were sick before the war. The green glow, or the gray death whatever the fuck it was called ;p