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  1. zegh8578

    are you upset I am doing manly shit, and you will never know the feeling?

    are you upset I am doing manly shit, and you will never know the feeling?
  2. zegh8578

    I'm even pressing my own juice in the breaks between fixing my walls - I'm feeding magpies...

    I'm even pressing my own juice in the breaks between fixing my walls - I'm feeding magpies salt-free nuts, and in between - i fuck like i wanna fuck, and only ever for fun! Fuckin delta-man shit - eat it incels! I laugh, man! I laugh all the way over the waterfall - I laugh while we all go down...
  3. zegh8578

    It's like I cracked the secret code, all those fucking losers can only cry themselves to sleep...

    It's like I cracked the secret code, all those fucking losers can only cry themselves to sleep over. Not only do I have it sorted, I'm doing real man-shit, like fixing holes in plaster walls
  4. zegh8578

    Every time I lay another coat of plaster over some hole in the wall, part of me laughs at the incels

    Every time I lay another coat of plaster over some hole in the wall, part of me laughs at the incels
  5. zegh8578

    I like this place!

    I like this place!
  6. zegh8578

    Today is April 2nd

    Today is April 2nd
  7. zegh8578

    don't use a fancy juicer, they make cloudy mush, do it yourself with an old fashioned lemon...

    don't use a fancy juicer, they make cloudy mush, do it yourself with an old fashioned lemon squeezer, just twirl that shit until you got a full jug m-m-mmm!
  8. zegh8578

    btw everyone owes it to themselves to buy a big-ass pile of oranges (blood-oranges if you can)...

    btw everyone owes it to themselves to buy a big-ass pile of oranges (blood-oranges if you can), and squeeze'em all
  9. zegh8578

    Early relationship fights can really be some make-or-break shit

    Early relationship fights can really be some make-or-break shit
  10. zegh8578

    saw them later in the stairway, they seem ok

    saw them later in the stairway, they seem ok
  11. zegh8578

    a female voice kept repeating "come on then!" over and over and over, like a mantra - like...

    a female voice kept repeating "come on then!" over and over and over, like a mantra - like daring someone to something, and it went on for minutes "come on then! come on then!"
  12. zegh8578

    There's a couple downstairs, mostly they play music, they seem cheery - but one time there was a...

    There's a couple downstairs, mostly they play music, they seem cheery - but one time there was a lot of raised voices, we started to listen
  13. zegh8578

    they even made him a motherfucking carpenter white saviour white jesus brad...

    they even made him a motherfucking carpenter white saviour white jesus brad I'm-just-a-carpenter pitt why did they do that!? did he win an oscar?
  14. zegh8578

    I cannot imagine any reality where I ever re-watch 12 years a slave for any reason, oscar bait...

    I cannot imagine any reality where I ever re-watch 12 years a slave for any reason, oscar bait aside, Jesus-Brad Pitt is just too damn much
  15. zegh8578

    will someone think of the children!?

    will someone think of the children!?
  16. zegh8578

    aaand it got pulled :'D

    aaand it got pulled :'D
  17. zegh8578

    They had an ad here for womens shaving, that actually showed the armpit hair, being shaved off...

    They had an ad here for womens shaving, that actually showed the armpit hair, being shaved off, as opposed to pristine skin being shaved
  18. zegh8578

    There was a show on TV about the statistically most common Norwegian name, Jan Johansen, and...

    There was a show on TV about the statistically most common Norwegian name, Jan Johansen, and they located every Jan Johansen, and made a home visit episode. It was kind of an underwhelming show
  19. zegh8578

    I love when people think they can just "no, brother of same country - my language just sound...

    I love when people think they can just "no, brother of same country - my language just sound strange, because i have bad day! trust! i simply speak your tongue, of different town you have yet to discover!"
  20. zegh8578

    AAAA i busted a Russian fake-norwegian trying to convince me he was norwegian

    AAAA i busted a Russian fake-norwegian trying to convince me he was norwegian