Search results

  1. zegh8578

    one of them happens to be the #1 tyrannosaurus expert in the world. not too long ago, i emailed...

    one of them happens to be the #1 tyrannosaurus expert in the world. not too long ago, i emailed an author about a skeleton, and he mailed me back a scientific paper; I've had them snail-mail me scientific papers just by asking - there's a paper-archive that links you up w scientists if their...
  2. zegh8578

    I often think of people describing scientists as "ivory tower" types, and just now i asked a...

    I often think of people describing scientists as "ivory tower" types, and just now i asked a dino-question, and got 2 highly respected researchers to respond
  3. zegh8578

    I also got a soft spot for the tragedy sub genre of rich dad takes entire family up in the...

    I also got a soft spot for the tragedy sub genre of rich dad takes entire family up in the propellar plane, and then dives and crashes everybody to death, usually due to arrogant incompetence
  4. zegh8578

    Such a specific genre of tragedy, as well as... you know... dark comedic gold, *chim chim chim*...

    Such a specific genre of tragedy, as well as... you know... dark comedic gold, *chim chim chim* meeeerry christmas, hooo, hooo, hooo; *KA-CHIK!*
  5. zegh8578

    Watching story after story about X-mas eve family-annihilation events, where perp (usually dad)...

    Watching story after story about X-mas eve family-annihilation events, where perp (usually dad) kills everybody dressed as Santa Claus
  6. zegh8578

    falalalala lalala laaa

    falalalala lalala laaa
  7. zegh8578

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    lol, scrolling a thread of NK soldiers being droned, and the comment section is the biggest bleeding heart soup I've ever seen, everyone suddenly considering the cost of a human life, the sadness and confusion these poor angels must be experiencing *lifts a lit lighter* kumba yaaaaa, poor...
  8. zegh8578

    obv i had the store ones, made out of pork nipples and ground hoof collagen i only got myself to...

    obv i had the store ones, made out of pork nipples and ground hoof collagen i only got myself to blame
  9. zegh8578

    My god, hotdogs are just awful, I think I'm done w hotdogs forever

    My god, hotdogs are just awful, I think I'm done w hotdogs forever
  10. zegh8578

    I have a soft spot for stories of amateur pilots, crashing their entire families for birthday

    I have a soft spot for stories of amateur pilots, crashing their entire families for birthday
  11. zegh8578

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    There's always a whole bunch of different justifications for aggression against Ukraine - it's spooking Russia too much by being too pro-western OR it's being too provocative by contemplating NATO or they are actually not Ukrainians at all, but "little Russians" OR they are subjugating THEIR...
  12. zegh8578

    how is cheese a cosmic inevitability?

    how is cheese a cosmic inevitability?
  13. zegh8578

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    I was refering to the animation, but also, things are happening at a worrying tempo, and Russia keeps having to bluff harder, and even if they lose their entire shit, they might just spew untrained "orcs" over the borders, more meat for the grinder - but that in itself is an absolute shitshow...
  14. zegh8578

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    i stared at this for way too long
  15. zegh8578

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    Nuclear option is not really an option, it cannot be meaningfully deployed tactically in Ukraine, and all the murricans going "i dont wanna die in a nuclear hellfire!" are implying MAD-doctrine will be of relevance, which means Russia attacked a NATO state with nukes, which - again, why would...
  16. zegh8578

    It's usually the confidence that gets me - "no, no, let me explain to you once again, what...

    It's usually the confidence that gets me - "no, no, let me explain to you once again, what you're seeing out your window right now!"
  17. zegh8578

    Some American is telling me Norway is flowing over with the homeless, after misunderstanding how...

    Some American is telling me Norway is flowing over with the homeless, after misunderstanding how to sort a list on Wikipedia by number instead of alphabetical order
  18. zegh8578

    Shit, I tried to cheer an incel up, and now I'm getting tons of sad replies about how nothing...

    Shit, I tried to cheer an incel up, and now I'm getting tons of sad replies about how nothing ever works.
  19. zegh8578

    "location and time of day" is depressing, when the go to is either "huge mom boobs" or "might I...

    "location and time of day" is depressing, when the go to is either "huge mom boobs" or "might I be gay?"
  20. zegh8578

    *why am I getting this* Location and time of day It's usually that and giant-boobed milfs in...

    *why am I getting this* Location and time of day It's usually that and giant-boobed milfs in your area.