Of all transport hugs, Bologna airport is the absolutely worst I have ever encountered, they know it's bad, they even have signs begging passengers to stop physically assaulting their staff, I don't blame them. The passengers, that is.
Copenhagen is the 2nd worst - why do Danes shout so much - they even employed a huge man to scream at everybody, instead of having a recorded voice say "this is the final stop" or something, my god
Stockholm metro system is ridiculously efficient, it took me three days to get utterly spoiled, where a 4 minute wait felt like an assault on my freedom of movement.
Anyone who knows anything about mid-may in Norway, knows that 17th of may is FAMOUS for not only not being rainy and chilly, but actually having august greece sun. You know it's true.
Obv, 17th is when we celebrate our independence day, as you OBVIOUSLY knew, you well journeyed person you!
By the way, we had 30 degrees mid-may. That is what Greece usually experience mid-August, BUT IT'S NORMAL FOR MAY IN NORWAY!
Shut up, it was always normal.
It was always normal for me to go get groceries with short pants and a t-shirt during early autumn, in Norway, it was always perfectly normal.
Summer in Norway always extended until October, and possibly beyond. It's fine!
IT's FINE, I'm not sarcastic at all, it's normal.
17 degrees during the night, a week into september, 500 km from the Arctic circle is normal.
People would always catch a tan in September, in Norway, as they did today.
Bought scallops, most expensive in the store, cus I'm tired of garbage scams, aaand, they turned out to have been injected with water, and they are a garbage scam.
I always loved in Roger Rabbit, when the weasels tried to pull their souls back into their bodies, as they were dying of laughter. That's so delightfully dark
Doesn't seem to work, I only get the same abstract with login/purchase options.
Maybe I missed something, trying with this:
I'm usually into paleontology, and without exception, no article has been submitted there for years.
There are sites that let you ask the author directly, but again, papers are typically constrained by their publisher.
Paywalls in scientific publications are so fucking egregious - they really try to measure the value of the knowgedge to a price tag; the same publication might give you an article on ichnites for free, but a full blown gen et sp now - PAY UP baby!
We refer to entire countries as whatever we thought it said, when we first checked - the Germans said "Deutch" norwegians shrugged and said "Tysk" forever.
Like... nobody can! Tightly packed continents with shit tons of languages kind of understand that intuitively, so it's always fun when an American goes "oh, I'm sorry, I don't know how to pronounce this!"
Just say what you think it says, thats what we do! :D
Love when Americans get all concerned with mis-pronouncing something foreign "ouch, I'm probably butchering this!"
It's very charming, obv but entirely unnecesary - I can promise you, you can't pronounce it either way